“We’re still waiting on the two assassins, and then the last two are due to arrive within the next two hours.”

Lexi smiled, squeezing his arm. “Wonderful! I’m sick of living in this hovel. Once everyone is back, we can take the final step. It’s time we introduce both Ancients and humans to their new leadership.”

Nick settled into one of the chairs in front of the fire pit. Closing his eyes, he seemed to be preparing for a nap. “I’m looking forward to that. It’s been a long time coming.”

“I know something else that would like to spend a long time coming.” Lexi turned seductive eyes toward Raq. “We have time.”

I tried not to gag.

With a laugh, Raq scooped her up in his arms, twirling her around. With a laugh, he jogged toward the largest of the buildings.

Lexi’s face lost the menacing, hard edge as she smiled at him. She looked girlish and heartbreakingly beautiful. It was easy to forget that she was part of the madness threatening to rip apart both our worlds. A battle that had cost countless lives.

Watching them disappear inside, I was surprised to feel a tiny pang of pity for her.

Because only one of us would be alive to see the rising suns.

The sounds coming from the cabin had me sinking below the water’s surface to attempt to muffle the noises.

I appreciated the biological need for mating, but being forced to listen to the sounds emanating from the cabin caused bile to rise in my throat.

The man in the lawn chair gave an annoyed groan. Nick had been unable to nap due to the screaming banshee inside. With a long-suffering sigh, he pushed to his feet, stretching his muscles while looking at the cabin. Rather than heading inside to join the two Ancients doing the ‘no pants dance’ as Kye calls it, he turned and meandered toward the water.

Thank Atlantis! If I’d been forced to sit still another minute, I feared my muscles would have atrophied. My relief died a quick death.

Nick stopped, taking a seat on a large stone that sat midway between the wooden building and the water’s edge. I couldn’t wait any longer. It was time for action.

With slow, quiet movements, I slid my body out of the scorching water. The day was warm, but the difference in temperature caused steam to rise from my body and a shiver to rack through me.

Once I’d moved fully onto land, I shifted into my human form. I’d considered going for my gear, but doubted I could dress without drawing the man’s attention. The best weapon in my arsenal was likely my naked body.

If Nick was dedicated to the woman inside, the shock of seeing me should still give me the precious seconds I needed to sink my fangs into him. But if they were friends with benefits, my siren should have no issues distracting him.

I crept through the tall grass, wanting to approach the man from one of the rock pathways rather than approaching from the path to the water. The last thing I wanted was for him to realize I was the siren his assassin friends had been sent to hunt down.

I staggered into Nick’s line of vision, faking a wince when I purposely stumbled over several loose rocks. The man’s eyes snapped in my direction, widening as he spotted me.

I pretended not to notice when his gaze trailed down my body. No happily claimed man would linger so long on another woman’s nude body. My odds of success went up.

I tried to look helpless as I made my way toward him.

Nick shoved to his feet, quickly pasting a look of concern on his face, but it did nothing to hide the darkness in his eyes. Lust clouded his mind, which is why he didn’t pause to think about the oddness of the situation.

The pounding of the call grew more demanding as I drew closer to him. This man needed to die.

“Hello, sweetheart. Are you okay?” Nick’s voice was gentle, worried even.

“I need help.” I slurred the words slightly, adding to the image of a lost and injured woman.

“Are you hurt?” he asked, his hands reaching out to grab my waist, presumably to steady me.

I wobbled. “Yes.” I purred the word, allowing tears to fill my eyes.

“Where does it hurt?” he asked, his rough palms sliding across my skin, all under the guise of checking me for injuries. I clenched my teeth as his fingers brushed the underside of my breasts. He was taking every opportunity to touch me.

“My head hurts. Can you help me?” My voice was a needy whisper as my siren pushed forward, eager to play her part in this little charade.

It wasn’t a lie. The call had grown so loud it was now a stabbing pain threatening to split my skull. The female Ancient, Lexi, chose that moment to let loose with another ear-piercing-orgasm-announcing scream.