“You aren’t going to stop me?” I asked, confused.

“No.” His voice was resolute. “That doesn’t mean that I’m not also fighting the urge to tie you to the bed and never let you leave, though. But I understand your sense of duty and what you are fighting for. I wouldn’t ever get in your way.”

I’d thought I knew these men. Even though I’d tried to avoid reading their minds, I felt like I’d known how they’d react. But Eason had surprised me.

Eason finished and rinsed the rag out before turning to me. Standing, he stepped between my legs until our bodies touched, and his erection burned where it pressed against my skin.

“I don’t just support the princess that you are. I support the siren and the soldier in you, too.” As he spoke, Eason’s lips brushed against my cheek, my jaw, and then my neck. “I love all of you, Zosime. Everything that you are and everything that you will ever choose to be.”

My heart thudded painfully against my ribs, and salty tears blurred my vision. Once again, my unstable emotions were getting the best of me. Hearing him acknowledge the fractured parts of me, and not just accept them, but love them, was a gift I hadn’t even known I’d so desperately wanted.

“Eason,” I choked, wrapping my body around him like an octopus.

“Shh. Don’t cry, princess.” The mountain of a man rocked me in his arms, letting my tears wet his chest.

For several minutes, I relaxed in the safety of his arms, committing to memory everything about his embrace and the scent of his skin. It didn’t take me long to notice how nice it was when his soothing rocking motion caused his ever-present erection to rub against me. Eason may have cleaned me up, but I was quickly growing slick with need…again.

Scooting forward, I wrapped my legs tighter around Eason’s waist, drawing him to me. We both sighed at the deliciousness of his erection pressed hard against my velvet folds.

“I want you.” I let my siren purr, my tongue darting out to taste his salty skin.

“That works out well, because I’m yours.” His words were a whisper so soft only I could hear.

A siren could only take so much temptation.

I sank my fangs into him, enjoying his long exhalation that shifted from surprise at the suddenness of my ‘attack,’ to a burning need in a single breath.

I drew the warmth of his blood into my mouth, savoring the intoxicating taste that was better than all the fine wines of Atlantis. Which was saying a lot, since Atlantis was known for making wine better than the Ancients.

Eason’s hands moved across my skin, and his touch stirred the fire of another hunger to burn hotter. His breath turned to harsh pants that blew across my skin.

Sliding my hand between our bodies, I wrapped my hand around his base, squeezing gently and delighting in the way his body shuddered at my touch.

I shifted my hips and lined Eason’s erection up with my entrance. My brief pause was too much for Eason, who was already feeling the effects of the toxin quickly spreading through his body and ramping up both his need and desire. Without hesitation, he buried himself inside me with a single rough stroke.

Stars sparkled in my vision, and I nearly choked on his blood as I forgot how to breathe. Eason’s hands slid under my butt, digging into the soft flesh of my thighs and lifting me off the stone sink. I wasn’t sure where he planned to take me, but I was more than willing to follow him to the ends of the earth as long as his burning erection stayed sheathed inside me.

It turned out our journey was short. Eason turned and pressed my back against the smooth gold walls. With a feat of strength that had my muscles clenching around him in lust, he braced me there. This gave him a better position to thrust into me, and when he hit my hidden chain of pearls at the near-perfect position, I pulled my mouth from his neck to moan Eason’s name.

Eason took my cry as encouragement and a sign he was doing things right. With a growl, he began to thrust in earnest, hard enough that my back slammed against the wall with each rough pump of his hips.

I clung to his shoulders, my nails digging tiny half-moons into his skin as Eason made love to me with raw, unbridled passion. My human mates tended to be gentler during bonding, and I secretly adored it when they let go of their inhibitions and embraced this side of themselves.

Need and hunger burned through me like an untamed wildfire. Unable to stop myself, I sank my fangs into his neck a second time, craving the taste of his sweet blood. I sucked deeply, drinking far more than I should have taken, but lacking the strength to fight my all-consuming hunger.

Eason’s smooth rhythm stumbled a bit, and we lurched to the side as more of my venom leaked through his system. He quickly righted us, pinning me back against the wall again, although this time, more of his weight pressed into me as he worked to stay balanced.

We would have been more comfortable on the bed or even on the floor, but I was too far gone to suggest we move. Eason’s biceps bulged and sweat dotted his brow as he slid in and out, faster and harder with each stroke, driving us both upward toward the heavens as we neared our release.

When my orgasm finally came, I pulled my fangs from his skin and hissed as a pleasure, so strong it nearly hurt, rocked my body. Eason roared his own release, and my siren purred in satisfaction at the knowledge he was going to have a sore throat the following day.

I thought he would set me down or move back to the bedroom with me, but Eason stood still, my body trapped between the wall and his thick frame.

“Come back to me, princess,” Eason murmured in my ear.

I wanted to promise him I would, but I never lied. It was a promise I just couldn’t make.

“It will take heaven and Hades to keep me from you, my love.” It was the truth. I would fight to the death and beyond if it was necessary.