“If a time comes that we are ready, Atlantis may host tourism and science expeditions to help spread awareness of how mers live and the importance of protecting the earth’s oceans. But we will not be coerced into either before we are ready and feel safe. We will work with the governments of the world in any way we can, treating those on land with the same respect with which we wish to be treated.

“We will come to the aid of any distressed vessels or people stranded in the ocean that we come across. Atlantis will be an independent country, not belonging to any other country on Earth.”

Baldy’s face turned an alarming shade of red, and he exploded. “That is absolutely unacceptable. We”—he motioned at the faces around the table—“will decide what rights Atlantis will and will not be given, as well as the obligations that she will need to meet. You will not order us around or try to scare us with your pitiful parlor magic tricks.”

The other leaders nodded their heads in agreement. The snobbish woman stuck her nose in the air, trying to look down at me.

“Yes, we will discuss this over the next several weeks. Once we’ve come to an agreement, you will be notified regarding our decision. Atlantis will be given ninety days to comply.”

I listened for the call, hoping these people were tainted by the Lure. But no, they were just horrible all on their own. My heart sank at the realization that even if I wiped out the evil of the Lure, some of humanity would still suck.

What didn’t sink was my rage over their cold, calculated dismissal of my proposal and the rights of my people. I saw red.

Things were about to get really good. Sinking further into the shadows, I threw up a wall between the room and myself, shielding me from their view.

Leaning against the wall, I decided that Zosime’s mates needed to see this too, and I popped them away from the office building that was currently undergoing some hardcore lockdown measures. Humans sure freaked out when their world leaders went on surprise playdates.

“What are we—” the shaggy blonde began.

“Who are you?” the giant brute—Eason, I think? —demanded.

“Shh! The show is about to start.” I shushed them while shoving bags of popcorn I’d pulled from thin air into the arms of the confused men.

“Too bad Lokene isn’t here to see it,” I snickered.

Whatever the men might have asked next was cut off as Zosime’s voice carried through the expansive room.

“Is that your final decision?”

Chills raced down my spine at the reverberating echo of her siren’s voice. It was magnificent… She was magnificent. Not that she was going to give me the chance to tell her that anytime soon.

The old guy with a mouth bigger than his brain stood, trying to use his height to intimidate Zosime. Big mistake.

Storm tried to storm through the glass, and I stuck out an arm to stop him from impacting against it.

“Sit down, man. I only brought you here to admire your mate. She doesn’t need help out there,” I grumbled.

“You don’t tell us what to do,” Fynn snapped.

“Right now, I do.” Waving my hand, I forced them all to lean against the wall alongside me and closed their mouths.

Not for a second did my eyes leave the fearsome beauty facing off with the leaders of this world.

The man in front of Zosime refused to back down, even in the face of her flashing eyes and shimmering tattoos.

“Yes. That is our final decision.” He spat out the words and some saliva in Zosime’s face, but she didn’t flinch. Her eyes shot to meet those of each person sitting at the table.

“And you are all in agreement?” Her voice was calm. Too calm. They should have known better than to do what they did next.

One by one, each face at the table nodded their agreement. Alas, they were all idiots.

Zosime ground her teeth, frustration rolling off her in waves. Swallowing it back, she tilted her head in acknowledgment.

“Then I will give you a warning. From this moment forward, Atlantis does not view you as friends. We will protect our borders and our people. It would be best that you advise your people to stay out of the zone I outlined. Anyone inside our borders will be treated as a threat. While the Atlanteans will be more forgiving and less inclined to attack, the same cannot be said for our allies, the beasts of the ocean, who will help my people remain safe.”

Taking a breath, Zosime continued, “I have been fair in requesting an area smaller than all other countries on Earth for my people. But if our borders are breached, or any effort is made to capture or exploit the citizens of my city, I will claim the entirety of the oceans of Earth as belonging to Atlantis. You will be given one month to remove your vessels from the sea and advise your people to stay out of the ocean. It will be a war.”

Sorrow glinted in Zosime’s eyes. “This was not the outcome I hoped for, but it seems I misjudged the people of Earth. Greed is more important than the betterment of all life on Earth.”