Finally, I made my way down his body until I came to his sizable bulge. He growled as I licked along the scales that covered his erection, and it didn’t take long before the scales parted, and his erection sprang out, nearly slapping me in the face. I’d grown accustomed to dodging cranky eels and sneaky barracudas though, and managed to dodge the attack.

I licked the tip, staring up into his fathomless dark eyes. A muscle in his jaw ticked, and his fingers tightened in my hair, pulling it gently.

What are you doing to me?Zeno growled.

Reminding you that you are mine.

But this isn’t how mating is done.Zeno tried to argue, but his words slurred slightly as my tongue traced the curves of his erection.

You haven’t been tasted before?I questioned, thinking I’d misunderstood.

No.The word was a hoarse whisper in my mind, and his hand trembled.It wouldn’t make sense for producing offspring.

True, but it is great at producing pleasure.Intense satisfaction filled me. I would be the first to give him this experience.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I took him deep in my mouth until I felt his tip touch the back of my throat. Relaxing my muscles, I swallowed him as far as I could before sliding him from my mouth. I repeated the move over and over, unhurried and savoring the taste of him and the ocean on my tongue.

Zeno changed from combatant alpha male to a blobfish, and I found myself needing to hold us together tighter so he didn’t drift away. I sucked and swirled, watching him for every shudder and every minuscule reaction.

When his face tightened with a need that verged on being painful, I relented. I bobbed on his length, working my throat muscles to squeeze him with each swallow. Zeno’s grip on my hair grew painfully tight, causing my eyes to water and my scalp to burn.

Just when I thought he was going to come undone, Zeno jerked himself free of my mouth.

Zeno?I questioned through the mental link.

He didn’t bother to answer. Instead, his body and tail slid around me like a snake preparing to eat his meal. Zeno’s mouth traveled down my neck, between my breasts, and moved slowly down my stomach.

When his mouth pressed to my hidden slit, my body trembled. The feel of his tongue tracing along the edge of the sensitive scales had me sinking my hands into his hair. He chuckled, sending vibrations through my core and causing me to grow wet in a way that had nothing to do with the ocean I was swimming in.

Zeno’s tongue slid inside me, teasing me, and caused me to squirm desperately in an effort to get away from the intense sensations sizzling through me.

Please, Zeno. I need you.My voice shook with need. His tongue was doing amazing things, but I needed to feel him moving inside me. I craved that connection with my mate.

I didn’t have to ask twice. Zeno lined himself up with my entrance and thrust inside with one hard push. I clung to him, my body trembling as he began to move. Burying my face in the curve of his neck, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be swept up in the moment.

Zeno took his time, making love to me as though it were the first time and the last time. Unhurried and almost reverent, Zeno’s hands trailed across my scales, and his mouth tasted my skin.

The heat inside me built slow and steady. It caused me to grow slick around his erection as the promise of release drew closer. The greedy part of me wanted to buck my hips and urge him to pick up the pace.

Another part of me wanted to savor this alone time with Zeno and allow myself to forget about all the worries weighing so heavily on me they threatened to sink me to the bottom of the ocean.

And so I lay still, resting against Zeno’s chest and allowing him to take charge of this time together. The slow burn in my stomach turned to a raging wildfire, forcing me to fight against the desire to sink my fangs into Zeno’s skin.

His breathing grew heavy as his hips moved faster, the water doing little to slow down his thrusts.

Bite me,Zeno commanded.

Trying to keep myself under control, I pressed my fangs against his neck until just the tips pierced his skin.

Harder, Zosime.His words were sharp—a demand.

With a growl, I released my hold on the siren and sank my fangs deep into his throat. Greedily devouring the spurt of warm blood coating my mouth.

Zeno returned the favor, sinking his own fangs into my neck. I embraced the prick of pain, a moan escaping me as he began to suck in long erotic swallows. He was careful to not take too much from me, wanting to ensure I was never weak.

The siren was less careful, and I had to focus through the haze to avoid drinking him nearly dry. I managed to yank my fangs free as Zeno shifted his position and drove into me at a different angle. An angle that had my release exploding through me with the power of a missile.

Lights sparkled in my vision, and my body clamped down around his, determined to never let him go. As my muscles continued to constrict his thick erection, Zeno came. His shouts slammed into my mind, and his hips jerked repeatedly with his release.