“We will happily share the ocean with humans, but we will also protect it from them. I hope our people can work together on this.” I prayed they would come to their senses and stop fighting me. This was the only way to stop the destruction happening and give me time to teach people how better to care for the seas.

“You are one city under the sea, and you think you have the power to order every political power on Earth to cave to your will?” The man laughed.

“I don’t need more than one city, but if you feel it is necessary to prove our worth as a society, then perhaps I should take more land?” The ground rumbled, and the building shook as I spoke.

“Enough! Enough!” several of the terrified leaders shouted. “We agree. Have Erin, your liaison, send us the documents, and we will sign them.”

One by one, they each agreed to the terms and rushed from the room, eager to get away from me. I couldn’t blame them, although I knew in my heart it didn’t have to be that way. It was their own greed that forced me to take such a firm stand.

I gave the stunned Erin a hug, promising to be in touch, and turned to my men.

“I’m exhausted. Let’s go get Zeno and head home.”

We all blinked to the shoreline where Zeno waited. I ran into his arms, enjoying the cold water splashing around us.

“You got justice for Atlantis today, my little fish. You’ve made our people proud.” Zeno pressed his forehead against mine.


I knew the voice instantly.

“Not today, Hades. Not today,” I mumbled like a mantra.

“Lokene, you have broken your oath to not take the life of another Ancient. You must pay the price.” Jaque’s voice was solemn, but he didn’t sound the least bit sad.

Lokene started to move toward the group of Elders on the shore, but Bion stepped in front of him. “I want to stand in for Lokene’s punishment.”

“Move, idiot. I am not ashamed of what I did, and I bear the consequences of my actions.” Lokene shoved past Bion.

“Hold up,” I snapped. “You had murderous Lure-tainted Ancients perfectly willing to kill anyone and everyone, but you didn’t punish them. So why are you punishing Lokene?”

Jaque looked at me like I was stupid. “Because they are not here to stand trial. They’re dead.”

“Yeah! Thanks to Lokene and me! He should be honored, not punished.” I wanted to throat punch this pompous jerk, and the siren was imagining our fangs sinking into him.

Anthony stepped forward. “We’re sorry, Zosime. You have done both our worlds a great service and will be worshipped as a hero among our kind. But Lokene broke our most sacred rule. He must die as a reminder to others.”

I wanted to snort. Great, I’m a hero, and as a reward for saving their entire world, they were going to take my mate from me… again. “No. He’s not dying today.”

The group of Elders stepped forward to place their hands on Lokene’s shoulders.

“I said no!” I screamed, my bottled-up fury exploding out of me.

The Elders flew away from Lokene. They blinked to his side and tried again, only to be blown on their butts again. I wanted to laugh, but I was too angry.

We faced off, and I waited for them to make the first move. My skin had shifted to a pale blue, and the water surrounding me glowed a beautiful turquoise. Magik hummed in the air, waiting to do my bidding.

The Elders studied the changes to my body and slowly stepped back, bowing their heads.

“We conceded. Lokene shall not face death for his actions. It is clear that taking a mate from you would not be wise for the stability of our worlds.”

I was pretty sure he’d just insulted me, but they were going to let Lokene live, so I bit my tongue.

“He must still be punished.” They looked at Lokene. “As of this moment, you are dead to the Ancients, and you are no longer welcome to travel to your home on Iolatara. You will be missed.”

With a bow in my direction, the Elders disappeared.

I ran to Lokene, and he swept me up in his arms, twirling me around.