“Too bad you didn’t know that I’ve learned to mask my presence. Your errand boys have been bouncing around the planet like idiots searching for me. It is a nifty trick when you need to spy on the Elders and pesky half-bloods.” Lily spit in my direction, leaving no doubt which ‘half-blood’ she was talking about.

Lily sashayed in front of Storm, carefully keeping the knife pressed against his throat. In a single swift move, she straddled his lap and then leaned forward, preparing to lick at the trickle of blood trailing down Storm’s throat.

Did she seriously think I would stand by while she took what was mine? No one touched or tasted what I’d claimed as mine.

Energy pumped through my veins. My different magiks blended together into a single pulsing power that swelled in my chest. It was time.

Lily might be fast, but she wasn’t as fast enough.

I blurred across the room. My hand was covering hers, and I was burying the knife into her throat before she’d even realized I’d moved. Grabbing her shoulder with one hand, I flipped her off my mate’s lap before slinging her into a nearby wall as though she was a toy.

With nothing more than a thought, I blinked Lokene and Bion into the room. “Get them out of here!” I ordered the two confused Ancients.

I stalked toward Lily. The knife wound was slowly stitching itself back together. It wasn’t a surprise. She was still going to die.

“Didn’t I warn you about touching my mates?” My voice boomed.

Lily stood, brushing drywall from her clothing. “I’m an immortal Ancient. You’re a half-blood. Do you seriously think I’m scared of you? What do you think you’re going to do to me?” she mocked with a laugh.

“I’m so glad you asked.” I blurred, magik crackling around me. Gathering the knife from the floor, I embedded it in her stomach faster than her eyes could track.

“If I wasn’t so busy, we’d do this all day,” I whispered in her ear. “But fortunately for you, I have more important things to do today than to play with you. What was your job again?” I tapped my chin, circling around her, a predator terrorizing its prey. “Oh, yes. You were supposed to deliver me to the Elders, right? How about we do that right now?”

Not giving her a chance to respond, I grabbed her arm and blinked us straight into the middle of a meeting being held by the Elders.

Shocked cries and shouts rang through the building.

“Lily? Zosime? What are you two doing here?” Anthony asked, his brow wrinkling in confusion. “What is going on?”

“I’m not allowing anyone to teleport to or from Earth until I finish with the Lure. It is temporary.” I lifted a shoulder as though it was every day that Ancients were blocked from traveling to Earth.

“Youaren’t allowing it? By who’s authority?” another Elder yelled in outrage.

“By my authority.” The ground trembled as I spoke, sending fear flashing through the Elders’ eyes. No one else dared to question me.

“I have something to say.” I waited, but no one interrupted. “Next time you decide to send an ambassador to me, I highly suggest you make sure they’re not tainted. I don’t take kindly to having the Lure sent into the sanctity of my home, nor do I appreciate my mates being touched.”

Murmurs rose from the Elders. “What are you talking about? We’ve known Lily for eons. There’s no way she’s been tainted.”

“Don’t deceive yourselves. The Lure has devoured her soul. Your ranks were infiltrated. The Lure adapted inside the Ancients to allow them to go undetected by other Ancients since Lexi created it.”

Growing annoyed as the Ancients continued to argue with me and doubt my ability to recognize the Lure, I pressed my hand to Lily’s back and sent a cocktail of blended magik pouring into her. The air around her shimmered and glowed. As the bright turquoise glow faded, the Lure was visible. The silence was deafening as the Elders watched the Lure continue to eat away at her soul like a living parasite. Moving my hand away, the magik faded, along with the view of the Lure.

The cries and shouts of the Elders as terror and distrust rocked through them were deafening. I waited for the chaos to die down before continuing.

“Don’t worry. Lily and Lexi are all that’s left of the tainted Ancients, and they won’t be a problem soon.” Stepping forward, I sank my fangs into Lily’s shoulder, grinding deep into her bone.

I wanted to cause her as much pain as possible. Lily screamed, desperately trying to wiggle free of my grip, but it was no use.

“What are you doing? Someone stop her!” Utter pandemonium descended on everyone in the meeting hall.

Amused, I crossed my arms and waited, hoping someone would try to stop me. No one dared to touch me. Shame, a few of them looked like they wanted to die, and I was still holding a grudge against several of them. Maybe next time.

It didn’t take long for the venom to work its way through Lily’s body, and every eye in the room watched as she succumbed to my bite. Her body crashed to the floor. She was dead.

Several Elders rushed forward, checking for a pulse and trying to figure out what was going on and how an immortal had just died in front of their eyes.

“What did you do?” an angry gray-haired woman asked.