Lokene pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know, maybe? She was out of line. Had her tactic worked, the Ancients would have been pleased. But it didn’t, and Bion is likely going to tell them just how badly it blew up in her face.”

Personally, I’d prefer to never see her again in my life. If I did, I wasn’t sure she would live to talk about it.

“And Bion? Will he return?” Fynn asked, cleaning his glasses. It was an adorable habit he did when anxious.

Lokene sighed. “Without a doubt.”

“He’s the one sent to seduce Zosi?” Storm’s chest vibrated as he spoke.

Lokene only nodded.

While he was pleasing to look at, one fact remained. “I do not want another mate.” I was adamant on this point. Six men were more than even a sex-crazed siren needed.

Lokene laughed, a hint of a smile touching his lips. “That’s because you don’t know who he is. Do you know of the stories of cupid?”

The guys laughed, and I searched their minds for memories of this ‘cupid.’

“He is not a tiny fat man,” I stated the obvious. Bion was a tall dreamy crimson haired god—

“But if cupid existed, Bion would be the closest thing to the stories. There isn’t a human on Earth who could resist his charm.” Lokene dropped his head back and stared unseeing at the ceiling.

“Then it is a good thing I am a siren,” I snapped back.

Lokene chuckled. “I believe that will only make resisting him harder.”

I jutted out my chin and prepared to dig in my heels. Lokene was wrong. I could resist the mouth-watering man with ease. It would be a part of a cupcake.

You mean, it will be a ‘piece of cake,’Lokene corrected, amusement back in his tone.Avoiding your attraction to him will be interesting to watch.

Irubbed my temples, wishing I could disappear into the sea and avoid these boring meetings. Since I still wasn’t comfortable inviting guests to Atlantis, there wasn’t a chance I would allow anyone other than my mates onto our boat. Erin—the liaison I’d picked to help me communicate with the humans—invited me to her office to discuss proposals from several world leaders, an ocean research group, two movie studios, and a clothing brand.

I tried to look as though I were paying attention as she excitedly told me I was the best thing since sliced bread. What was sliced bread anyway? What made it so great?

“I have no interest in being on television.” My voice was flat.

“But did you see how much they were offering you?” She spread several papers in front of me.

I pushed them away from me with a snort. “Money isn’t important to me.”

Erin sagged into the seat across from me. “If you are going to function on land, then money is important, Zosime.”

I’d yet to trust her with all my secrets, so I’d not told her about the treasures of Atlantis. The last thing I wanted was treasure hunters descending on my city, which was the main reason I was in her office. I wanted to know my city and her citizens were safe.

Atlantis, and the water around the city, needed to be recognized as our own country with its own government. Now that the world knew of our existence, our boundaries needed to be respected. My people needed to be recognized and given equal rights as Earth dwellers, or we would end up as experiments or spectacles that people came to gawk at, which would lead to war. I shuddered at the thought.

“Where are the papers from the government leaders? Have they agreed to my terms?” I couldn’t help but glance out the wall-length window over her shoulder. The aquamarine water sparkled, tempting me to forget politics and dive into the comfort of the sea.

Erin shuffled through her papers, pulling out several documents on creamy, expensive-looking paper. “Unfortunately, they aren’t being cooperative. Several governments are trying to claim Atlantis as part of their country, and it is turning into a bit of a mess.”

Irritation churned in my chest. How dare they claim what doesn’t belong to them? “My men have told me that no country owns the ocean. Which means they can lay no claim to Atlantis.”

“I know, and I agree with you. But they are trying to say that if you are to be allowed to claim Atlantis as its own city, with its own government, then you are trying to break international law. And if that law is to be amended, then they feel they have the right to claim the city and its citizens as its own.”

“Atlantis was here long before any of the current world governments existed. If we are going to make ridiculous claims, then I am going to claim the land that used to surround my city.” My irritation was quickly turning to anger.

“If you say things like that publicly, you could end up starting a worldwide war.” Erin’s voice had dropped to a soothing tone.

“I am already fighting a war, what is one more?” I snarled, my fangs lengthening as my fury surged. I was still struggling to come to terms with everything I had lost, and I would fight fang and fin for what and who I had left.