I jerked forward into Nick’s chest as though frightened by the loud sound.

“Oh!” My cry was breathless as my fingers curled into my prey’s shirt.

Nick released a low moan, his hands running down my butt and pulling me tighter against his body.

The bulge in his pants pressed hard against me, and I ground my teeth, disgusted at the feel of another man’s touch on my body. I forced myself to relax against him, not wanting to give him a reason to be jarred from his little fantasy.

“Yes, let me help you.” He spoke in a deep voice that he probably thought was sexy. He couldn’t have been more wrong. It sounded like he was two hundred years old and dying from diseased lungs.

My mind wandered, thinking of Eason’s rough, gravel-filled voice. It was just as erotic as his rough, calloused palms on my skin. I missed him so much it hurt like a physical punch to my gut. My resolve to finish this mission hardened. The sooner I finished, the sooner I could go home to my men.

My venom had worked on the two Ancient women in the cave, but this would be the first male Ancient I would be trying to execute with my special toxin. How much would it take? How fast would it work? I’d have preferred to sink my fangs into his flesh quickly and be done, but I couldn’t risk that it would take longer, and he’d have time to call out for help.

Nick’s hands continued to explore my body, and I forced myself to remain pliant and not recoil in disgust. I pressed my lips to the bare skin of his collarbone, letting my warm breath blow across his skin as I pretended to pant. Nick’s thick fingers dug hard into my hips, yanking me hard against his crotch. Ancient or not, men could be predictable.

Almost there.

His eyes closed, and his breathing grew ragged. When he started dry humping against me, like a dog in heat, I made my move. Not wanting to bring him out of his fantasy, I carefully sank just the razor-sharp tips of my fangs into his skin.

Nick hissed. “I see you like it rough.”

We’d barely made it to our knees when his movements jerked and then ceased. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a gurgled grunt came out.

“Finally! It took you long enough!” I grumbled.

Grabbing him under the arms, I dragged him toward the water’s edge, ignoring the burning pain as my muscles strained to drag the dead weight of his body. His very dead weight.

I pushed the dead Ancient into the scorching water, allowing it to swallow his body. With no time to spare, I yanked several handfuls of the fragrant purple grass and rushed back to where his body had fallen. I moved swiftly, brushing the grass through the sand to hide the obvious drag marks his body had made.

They would look for him, but there was no need to leave an arrow pointing in my direction, either. Once finished, I discarded the grass out of sight. Without a splash, I leaped into the unwelcoming water while shifting seamlessly into my siren’s body.

Moving through the water, I made my way back to the shoreline and resumed my original position.

It was time to plan the next part of my hunt. The prolonged pounding of the call in my mind was making it increasingly difficult to think. One thing was for sure, it would be almost impossible for me to take both the man and the woman at the same time since they were powerful Ancients.

I needed to watch and wait for an opportunity to separate them. Maybe I would get lucky, and one of them would come to the shoreline to look for their missing friend. If that happened, I could easily pull them in, and if I was fast enough to inject the venom, my prey wouldn’t have a chance to teleport away.

As I swam to a dark corner, the heavy drumbeat of the call in my skull demanded I storm into the house and take out both tainted Ancients. If they were human, that would have been easy to accomplish. But they were Ancients, so I fought against the overwhelming urge to go after my prey that instant.

How long would it be before the other two Ancients they mentioned arrived here? Looking at the sky overhead, I checked the position of the suns. Hopefully, I had enough time to dispatch the two Ancients in the cabin before the newcomers arrived.

How far was this place from the cave where I’d left the guys? Were they tracking me down? If Lokene and Bion popped up in the middle of this mess, would they try to stop me from completing my mission? Even if they were on my side, they couldn’t kill another Ancient. The best they could do is keep them off me… maybe.

But after the fiasco in the cave, I feared the guys would rush into the middle of a fight, only to hesitate when they recognized an Ancient they respected. I prayed they waited just long enough for me to take care of what needed to be done here before they arrived.

The sounds of raw sex quieted, drawing my full attention back to the tiny wooden house. I sighed with relief. I’d been half afraid they would go for another round. My skin still crawled from the dead man’s touch, and between that and the guttural sounds of sex, I was fighting the urge to vomit.

I wanted nothing more than to run into my mates’ arms and rid myself of the memory of the tainted man’s touch. I’d done my job successfully, just as I had countless times before. Killing was something I was used to. It was the emotions that were causing me issues now.

The sound of giggling grew louder as Lexi made her way outside, smiling over her shoulder at her lover. Both Ancients radiated satisfaction. I studied the man; he didn’t compare to any of my mates in the looks department, but apparently Lexi was pleased with him.

Lexi stumbled, coming to a stop when she spotted the empty chair. “Where did Nick go?” She looked around, confusion marring her beautiful face. “Nick!”

She continued to call out his name, but of course there was no reply. It’s not like he could speak from the bottom of the lake.

“Where do you think he could have gone?” Lexi crossed and uncrossed her arms, eyes darting around in apprehension. “He’s been frustrating lately. Maybe we should have included him.”

“I’m sure he just needed to stretch his legs or wanted to check the perimeter. Stop worrying,” Raq said.