“Bite me.” Storm nibbled my earlobe.

Still, I hesitated.

“She’s afraid,” Zeno supplied.

My merman may have a big member, but he had a bigger mouth.

“Lokene and I have discussed this. Zosime fears that we may dislike that sex with her means we are injected with her venom.” Zeno the Nosy revealed one of my darkest fears with an air of casualness that had me itching to spar with him so I could toss him around a bit.

There was a tense moment of silence, and then all four men burst out laughing. Storm collapsed on top of me, although he carefully kept the bulk of his weight from squashing me.

“Princess, sex with you is mind-blowing, and your venom is the cherry on top.” Eason gave me a soft smile.

“Not to mention it is addictive,” Kye added, his cheeks darkening.

That piqued my interest. “It’s addictive? What do you mean?”

“Not to mention it is addictive.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I wanted to slap my hand over it. Why would I tell her that?

Zosi’s eyes sharpened with interest. “It’s addictive? What do you mean?”

Eason and Storm groaned and shot me a look.

Refusing to look at Zosi, I tried to explain. “You’re my mate, so I’m already addicted to your touch and to touching you. I can barely stand to be away from you.”

Zosime twitched, and I glanced at her curiously. She wasn’t the type to fidget. This time, she was the one who looked away. Weird.

Deciding to finish explaining, I continued, “Everything about being with you is incredible, and then you add your toxin into the mix. Zosi, it’s better than that first sip of caffeine in the morning.”

I laughed when Zosi’s brow raised in skepticism. My little mermaid had grown obsessed with having the ‘nectar of the gods’ as soon as she woke up and then every chance she could throughout the day.

“It’s true, Zosi. Your bite makes every sensation explosive; sounds are clearer, colors are brighter. Sex with that pumping in my blood is indescribable. I don’t need it like a drug addict. But when we are intimate, it feels like it is just one more perfect thing you gift us. I want all of you. Everything you will give me. I’d want to feed you regardless of your toxin, but I’m definitely not complaining about how your toxin affects me.”

A tiny frown crossed Zosime’s face as she listened to my poor attempt at convincing her that her toxin was nothing to feel bad about. She looked at Fynn, Eason, Storm, and Zeno.

“And what about you guys? Do you resent my venom? Or do you view it the same as Kye?” Her voice was soft, and she almost seemed afraid of their answers.

I watched in amusement as both Eason and Storm shifted their gazes away from her.

We’d all had a nice long talk about this very topic and were in agreement over the fact that our little siren really knew how to make sex an out-of-this-world experience.

Fynn was the only one bold enough to speak up.

“Yes,” he stammered. “Your venom is quite unique and definitely increases our enjoyment.” Fynn’s ears grew red.

Why was it that since meeting her, we did far kinkier crap than we’d ever have dreamed of doing, and we’d do it in front of each other… but admitting to Zosime that we loved the effects of her venom had us blushing like inexperienced teenagers?

Zeno was the only one who appeared completely unfazed by the topic of conversation, and when Zosi’s eyes locked on him, he simply shrugged.

“I don’t see what the problem is,” Zeno admitted. “Yes, your venom is more powerful than the rest of the mers. However, I don’t understand why you’re viewing it as a negative thing instead of a gift for your mates and an effective weapon against your enemies.” Zeno reached out a hand, running it through Zosime’s dark tangle of hair.

“If I understand the modern world correctly, a woman is pleased if her mate’s phallus is large. She would love him regardless of his size, but she is pleased if he has the added benefit of a larger size, correct?” Zeno spoke in a factual tone, as though he were talking about the weather.

Things were getting weirder by the minute. I was definitely regretting my sudden admission to Zosime that had sparked this increasingly awkward chat. When no one spoke up, Zeno continued.

“It is simple. You bring venom to the relationship. An aphrodisiac created to kill those you dislike and bring intense pleasure to those you love.” Zeno shrugged as though it made perfect sense. “You take the blood of your mates and give them a gift at the same time. It is fair.”

Part of me wanted to complain about Zeno’s blunt and almost crude way of thinking, but apparently it made sense to Zosi, because her shoulders relaxed.