Iwatched the guys flop around on the land like the fish out of water. Did I look that ridiculous when I was on land?

“You’ve made your point, Lokene!” Storm huffed.

“Yeah, dude. You could have at least done this when we were, I don’t know, in the water?” Kye groaned into the dirt.

Eason lay flat on his back, silently staring up at the sky. He was probably plotting Lokene’s demise.

“I was just trying to help. You have a siren mate who spends most of her time in the water. I thought it would help you understand her better if you experienced being half-fish as well.” Lokene shrugged one elegant shoulder, a poop-eating grin spreading across his face.

“I might have believed you if you’d dropped us in the water where Zosime could spend the afternoon showing us her world. This—” Storm gave a hard thrust and twisted, trying to sit up. I bit my lip hard to keep from laughing when he too faced-planted in the dirt.

“You guys need to be prepared for the unexpected. Zosime is about to pick a fight with some very dangerous Ancients.” The smile still played around Lokene’s mouth, but his words held worry. He didn’t like my plan, and it was straining our relationship. My body longed for him, but more than that, my heart needed the reassurance of our bond as I prepared for the biggest fight of my life.

Striding over to Storm, I helped him flip onto his back. He grunted his thanks, which I brushed away. There was no need to embarrass my mate any further. I trailed my fingertips down the length of his shimmery gray tail. It was the color of the swords of Atlantis, a brilliant flashing silver that would confuse predators and prey in the water.

“Your tail is as stunning as it is battle worthy.”Even if you wouldn’t know how to use it, I added silently. I hoped my words would soothe some of his humiliation over the situation Lokene had thrown them into.

Storm caught my hand and brought it to his lips. The heat of his mouth pressing against my palm caused my stomach to flip. With a laugh, I moved away from him before I could give in to the always-present need. It was a vicious cycle, and the need for their bodies and blood was a hard impulse to gain control over.

I moved to help Kye, only to find that he’d propped himself up on his elbow. With a clumsy flop of his fluke, he waggled his eyebrows, winking suggestively. “I bet you want a piece of this sexy tail.”

Eason and Lokene snorted, bursting into laughter at a joke I didn’t understand. Planting my hands on my hips, I tilted my head. “Why would I want part of your tail? I have my own tail, and mine is better suited to fighting than this showy tail with flowing fins that Lokene has given you.”

Kye grabbed his chest over his heart and fell back into the dirt. “That hurts, Zosi. Way to kill my masculinity.”

Rolling my eyes at Kye’s dramatics, I walked silently to stand by Eason. Lokene had given him a tail similar to that of an orca rather than a fish. His lower body was covered in black and white skin, not scales. It was sleek, and his massive fluke would propel him quickly through the water. If Eason learned to use this tail, he would be a powerful fighter in the water. Unfortunately, on land, he was more vulnerable because trying to move the considerable weight of the fluke expended far too much energy.

“He’s a beached whale. Get it?” Lokene started to snicker with the other men, but then he paused. His body grew stiff, and all playfulness drained from his face. When he spoke next, his words were clipped. “Enough, we need to go.”

I tried to locate the source of his irritation, but there was no one but the four of us on this abandoned shoreline. I opened my mouth to ask what was going on but was cut off as the world tilted on its axis and inky blackness swallowed us.

“Seriously, Lokene? You couldn’t warn us?” Fynn groaned, pushing himself off the stone floor, where they had landed in a heap. Their tails had disappeared, and they were back in their fully human bodies.

Lokene had brought us to Atlantis instead of our boat. I turned to him, not missing the slight irritation that passed across his face before it disappeared, replaced by his ever-present smirk.

“Lokene, what’s going on?” I strode to him, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my cheek against his shirt. He smelled of pure sexiness, and burning hot memories flashed through my mind.

“Nothing. I simply grew bored with the men’s incessant whining.” His eyes didn’t quite meet mine, and there was no hiding how tense he was beneath my fingers.

Lokene, you are hiding something from me, I whispered in his mind.I want to know the truth.

The truth?Lokene gave a harsh laugh.The Ancients are a thorn in my side. Every day, they are becoming more demanding. At my last visit, they implied I was perhaps not a wise choice to send as an ambassador to you.

Lokene wasn’t one to show emotion, but I could almost feel the hurt bleeding from his tone.

I snorted.That is absurd. Why would they think I’d care for the opinion of someone else over you?

Lokene’s arms tightened around my waist, drawing me tight against him.The Ancients are scared, and they fight over everything. Half of the Elders felt that my sexual bond with you is causing the delay, and a woman should be sent. The other half of the Elders believe that perhaps if the sex was better, you would feel more inclined to assist and thus they want to send someone else.

I wanted to laugh at how outrageously idiotic the Ancients were being, but I held back, not wanting to hurt Lokene. I’d once followed them without question. Now I saw that they weren’t perfect, and right now, they were struggling with some of the same things humans did. Fear and the reality of death.

What was decided?I asked when Lokene remained silent, offering no further information.

I’m not sure. I stormed out of the meeting yesterday and came straight here.Lokene twisted his face in disgust.But there is something in the air today. I felt someone come through the barrier to Earth.

I quirked an eyebrow at him.That’s why you brought us here beneath the sea? You know that will not stop an Ancient from finding us, right?

Lokene’s shoulders sagged.I know, but I hoped to delay the inevitable.