“Help! She’s got my daughter!” The mother was terrified.

“Go!” I ordered the tiny human.

She cried, but obeyed me and ran to her mother.

I called my magik and shifted into my human form. This time, as I shifted, I thought about clothing. If Lokene could make clothes appear, surely I could. Right?

I wanted my Atlantean armor but feared I wouldn’t be able to create so many tiny details for my first-time creating garments. The outfit Lokene had made for me was still fresh in my memory. It was definitely not intended to wear into battle, but it was better than going to battle nude.

The change was seamless. When I stood, my body was covered in shimmering turquoise pants and a top.

I hurried toward the churning sea. The tsunami was bearing down on the shore. The wave had grown to a height of nearly a hundred feet. Its shadow fell on the sandy beach, the sheer size of it blocking out the sun.

People screamed, sirens blared, and the ocean roared in rage. Humans had caused this with their greed. The ocean didn’t pick this fight, but it planned to finish it. These people were small-minded, but they were not directly responsible for the actions that set off this chain of events.

My heart cried in sadness for the pain of the earth and sea, but at the same time, I felt my heart break at the thought of the innocents, like the sweet child, who would be lost if the monstrous wave impacted the city.

With a battle cry of my own, I braced my feet in the sand and threw up my hands in preparation for the fight of my life. Magik rippled across my skin, flickering in an aquamarine glow. Strength poured into me, and I ground my teeth together as my body adjusted to the shift in my abilities.

I looked at the wave as it reached its tipping point and began crashing toward earth. I needed more. I screamed and did the only thing I could.

I released my hold on the Ancient power that was battering my insides in a bid for freedom, and I prayed it was willing to help.

Power and magik swirled and danced inside me, each fighting for dominance. They finally blended to create energy that surged through my body, waiting to be called.

The last of the wall that had sealed away my emotions shattered into a thousand pieces. A torrent of intense emotion was released and created more chaos inside me, the devastation over the loss of my family. Agonizing sorrow from the memories of Atlantis, the homeland I have given my all for. Debilitating sorrow when I recalled the vision of Kye getting shot and his blood pooling around him. Shame for not being there for him when he needed me most. Rage against the men who had kidnapped my mates.

The beach was cast into shadow as the tsunami hit land and began to collapse. My limbs shook from the strain. This was all too much. I was only one person, one woman. How could I take on a force of nature that demanded justice?

The humans were right in their disgust. I was an unnatural thing. I shouldn’t even exist. Maybe I truly was a monster that lurked in the depths, dooming men to watery graves with nothing more than a look and a single word.

Tiny arms wrapping around my leg dragged me from my thoughts. My heart stuttered in shock. I hadn’t heard the child approach.

My throat closed in fear and horror for this little innocent who was soon to pay for the mistakes of the generations before her. What had the mother called her? “Jill? Why are you here? You need to run! Please!” I tried gently to shove her away, but that only caused her to hold on tighter.

“I’m scared!” she wailed. “Mommy fell and hit her head. She’s not moving.” Watery brown eyes looked up at me, pleading for my help.

Water poured down as the wave arched over our heads.

The magik swirled in my chest, beating against the confines of my physical body, begging to be released. I breathed in and squared my shoulders. This is what I had vowed to do when I was little more than a teenager. Protect. It didn’t matter if they were born in Atlantis, because I wasn’t just a daughter of Atlantis. I was a daughter of the Ancients. I had been born on earth and changed by the sea. I was exactly what the world needed right now.

Tattoos glowed on my skin, the same ones that had appeared when Lokene and I bonded. Power exploded out of me, and the wave stopped.

It didn’t collapse on our heads, nor did it recede. The great arching wall of water was suspended as though time had paused.

With the whimpering child still clinging to my leg, I braced myself and called to the sea. “I know you are in pain. You are taken for granted and abused. Thieves steal your resources, never considering the cost to all life on earth should the oceans be destroyed. They tossed trash and waste into your waters without a second thought for the creatures who live in the seas. Hurricanes, floods, and tsunamis are your way of drawing attention to these issues, but we need to find another way. This will only end with more lives lost and more sadness.”

I didn’t care if the entire world thought I was crazy; I knew the earth and her waters were very much alive. I could feel the earth’s magik within me, filled with pain, but also a flicker of hope.

I moved my hands steadily out toward the sea. My movements were confident, as though I controlled hundred-foot walls of water on a regular basis.

The water calmed, no longer a raging torrent. I pushed it back until it collapsed onto the sandy seabed with a crash. The impact sent a gust of wind across the land, flattening grass, blowing sand, and tossing people around like dolls… But at least they weren’t dead. I considered that a win.

As the wall of water collapsed, it displaced water and sent another wave surging onto the beach. This wave was much smaller, but it still stood nearly twelve feet tall. I scooped the girl up in my arms, throwing up my hand as the surge barreled toward us.

Water exploded around me as though the wave had hit a solid glass wall. We stayed dry as the power of the ocean slammed into my invisible shield. I watched as the sea washed away the debris and pushed vehicles around on the pavement.

There would be mild flooding in the areas closest to the shore, but it was nothing compared to the devastation the city would have faced had the great wall of water crashed into it.