“Fynn, do you want to go with us? It might be wise for you to check in with your own company before they send out a search party for you.” Eason, always thinking ahead, looked over at Fynn.

Fynn pushed himself off the bed with a groan. “I guess you’re right. My team is used to me disappearing for long stretches of time, but the last thing I need is for them to start a search. They are good—too good—at their jobs. I’ll have you guys drop me off somewhere with good internet access so I can chat with the heads of my company.”

“How are you going to get there?” I asked the obvious question.

We were a long way from shore, and a yacht this size would definitely draw attention if we took it to a port. Lokene had finally admitted to creating this vessel out of thin air as a gift for me.

Anyone who was familiar with boat brands would quickly realize our boat was one-of-a-kind, and that would garner conversations and questions. Which was far more attention than we needed.

“Maybe Lokene will return and—”

The four human men vanished in the blink of an eye. My mouth dropped open as I stared at the empty places where they had just stood.

Lokene’s voice whispered in my mind once again,Don’t fret. I just put them in a hotel a safe distance from us. They can call their boss and arrange transport. Return to Atlantis with Zeno, and I will meet you there shortly. Ta ta!

I rolled my eyes but was thankful for his little update on the men.

“As much as I like this new body of yours, if we are returning to Atlantis, I think you might want to shift back into your tail.” The way Zeno’s hands were gripping my thighs, I wasn’t convinced he really wanted me to shift back.

Pushing away from him, I sank beneath the salty water. Once I was fully submerged, I closed my eyes and thought about the magik that was hidden inside me, calling it forward. The water around me glowed a pale turquoise as the magik transformed my body.

When my tail replaced my legs, I opened my eyes to find Zeno’s blue eyes gazing back at me. “Are you ready to meet the people of Atlantis, My Queen?”

Was I ready? What if they hated me? While being queen was not a role I had ever wanted, it was a position I had been born to feel. A pang of loss hit me as I thought of my parents. I wished they were here to guide me. I could only hope I was half the queen my mother was.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go greet our people.”

Pushing a button on the yacht wall, the small hatch lifted, giving us access to the ocean. The moment we were clear of the yacht, we began our descent into the navy-blue depths of the ocean.

A shadow fell over us, and I glanced up to find Sheba circling above my head.

“She’s never far from your side, is she?” Zeno spoke, keeping a wary eye on Sheba.

I smiled as I watched Sheba move through the water, a magnificent predator. I nodded. “She appeared shortly after I awakened, and she has stayed near me since.”

“Our people have a history with Great White sharks. I’m not sure they will feel comfortable having such a massive shark circling Atlantis.” Zeno seemed hesitant to broach the subject with me.

I lifted my shoulder, indifferent. “They will grow accustomed to her presence. She does not attack without cause or reason.”

“If you require a pet, there are many options that are less lethal and with far fewer teeth,” he suggested hopefully.

I snorted. “Sheba is no one’s pet. She’s a queen in her own right. I have neither the time nor the energy to care for a pet.”

Realizing that he would not win this argument, Zeno focused on getting to the city as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your help, my friend. I sent the thought through the water, hoping that Sheba would somehow understand.

With a powerful thrust of my tail, I hurried after my merman. I was both looking forward to and nervous for what was to come.

Iflopped onto my bed, utterly exhausted. Had I ever been this tired before? I doubted it.

When Zosime and I had discussed introducing her as the Queen of Atlantis, I had assumed she would want to do a grand introduction in the throne room. I’d envisioned a royal ball with music and dancing, fanfare and fine dining, and attendees decked out in their finest.

Instead, my Siren mate had done the exact opposite. She asked to be taken door to door to meet each family individually. There were eighty mer families in Atlantis, and she had visited thirty-five families in two days. My fins ached just thinking about how many miles I had swum in forty-eight hours.

I’d let her drag me, the king, from one house to the next. Standing uncomfortably as Zosi played with children, cooed over pet eels, admired treasures, and shook hands with the heads of nearly half the mer families in Atlantis.

It was the most beautiful and demeaning thing I had ever witnessed. She cared deeply for these people—her people. From the expressions on our subject’s faces, they had recognized her deep love for Atlantis’ people as well. She was a queen from days long past, and we were lucky to have her with us.