WAIT. Hold on. He could joinmymen?

“I’ll never submit, nor will I give up my throne.” I admired the strength of his conviction. It was a shame the Siren would probably kill him for it.

What followed was a fight like none I had experienced before. I had fought men before, many times, and won. However, I’d never fought a merman, nor had I found myself in the strange position of fighting the urge to murder, or mate, my opponent. Usually, I was fairly clear regarding my intentions when going into a battle, and I knew the intended outcome. This time, I kept changing my mind.

The man fought well, a worthy adversary, and I had to be cautious about my technique so as not to hurt him permanently. He was growing tired and needed to submit before he injured himself.

I’d tried to read his mind, surprised that his thoughts hadn’t simply poured out like nearly every other being on earth. It was intriguing to discover that I could only read his impressions and the random stray thoughts. I decided to try something and pressed my forehead against his.

His shock held him still briefly, and that was long enough for me to create a connection. Like the television Kye forced me to watch, my memories of that devastating day in Atlantean history played.

I closed my eyes, wishing it would keep me from reliving that day, but of course, it didn’t. When I was sure he had seen all that he needed to see, I pulled away from him, panting hard.

“You aretheZosime.” Wonder filled his voice.

“As I have stated.” I lifted my chin.

“To think. My bonded is Zosime, Princess of Atlantis. We are the perfect couple to rule Atlantis. I have ruled for close to one hundred years but have yet to find my bonded or a woman worthy to rule at my side.”

My heart jerked in my chest, and blood froze in my veins. Bonded. That explained my reactions to him and why he still lived. It would, however, be a cold day in Tartarus before I submitted to this arrogant man’s bite. To make sure he was aware of that fact, I bared my teeth, displaying sharp fangs dripping with venom.

My family had ruled Atlantis since the beginning. It was our bloodline that had built the city and protected it for countless generations. The Ancients had blessed Atlantis with knowledge and gifts only for as long as my family remained in power and continued to use that knowledge for the good of the earth.

My heart wanted me to walk away and leave these people in peace. As long as he was a noble leader, he could continue to rule Atlantis. This man had ruled for nearly a century. Perhaps it was best for Atlantis to stay under his leadership?

The Siren and the warrior inside me joined as one. My scales glowed an eerie turquoise hue as their magik and power surged. They were not going to back down. There was a battle coming, and my people still needed me.

I eyed the merman. He was a capable leader, and I sensed no evil from him, just arrogance. He was a powerful ruler and worthy to rule… by my side.

“There is a war coming. A battle that will make all other wars throughout history pale in comparison. I am going to attempt to stop this war, but it may be too late. There is more than you know going on, but Atlantis needs me if it is going to survive. We can continue to fight, or you can step aside and allow me to fulfill the vow I gave to the Atlanteans and my family’s vows to the Ancients.” Still breathing hard from our fight, I shoved at his chest, trying to put some space between us.

“Mermen cannot submit so easily. I see the fire in your eyes and suspect that you would face the same challenge if asked to step down.” A ghost of a smile lifted the corner of his mouth, exposing a fang. I’d split his lip during the fight, and it bled lightly, the blood drifting away in the current. Why was it so mesmerizing?

My brow wrinkled as I thought about his words. He studied my face and then added, “I am a male; therefore I am a merman. Mermaids are female.” His eyes slid along the length of my body appreciatively. Large hands moved to settle low on my waist, tightening and pulling our bodies tightly together.

“I am no mermaid; I am a Siren.” I should have killed him for being so presumptuous, but I was too busy fighting to keep the Siren from sinking my fangs into his neck. My stomach growled. I was still hungry, and the pulsing vein in his neck was making my mouth water.

“Neither of us is going to step down. Let’s get on with it.” With a single hard thrust of his powerful fluke, we spun up toward the ceiling… again.

In response, I dug my nails into his skin and snapped my fangs in warning. I was hangry, and the sooner I finished this, the sooner I could eat.

Iwas confused. Were they trying to murder each other or mate?


My head snapped to Lokene, who stood grinning, his nose nearly pressed against the viewing glass.

“First, stop answering the questions I ask in my mind—those are private. Second, why are you so giddy?”

“Because everything is falling into place as it should.”

It should have sounded ominous, but when he turned toward me, there was relief in his eyes, and he smiled softly. It wasn’t a maniacal smile, as I would’ve expected from the strange man. No, it was a look of pure happiness. I rubbed at my temples, trying to fend off a migraine. This day continued to be ridiculously complicated, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

“Look! See there?”

Every set of eyes in that hallway instantly snapped to Lokene. Had he just spoken in an Australian accent?

“Are you okay—” I began, only to be cut off by more of his special brand of crazy.