A quick, merciful death would have been a kindness, and I wasn’t feeling particularly kind. It had been a people-y kind of day, and I was beginning to think I wasn’t a huge fan of people. I wanted to be where the people weren’t… At least for a while.

His mouth may have been quiet, but his thoughts certainly weren’t.

Who is she? If she worked for the government, I would have heard about her. Plus, they would’ve sent a team with her. Who sends out a single woman on a rescue mission? Is she even a woman? The stuff she did in the lobby isn’t human…

I decided to answer him out loud. “I would’ve found you, eventually. I hunt for those who have corrupted souls like you. When you started paying your crew to destroy the seafloor in search of Orpati, you put yourself on my mates’ radar. When you ordered my men shot and kidnapped, you put yourself on my radar. You didn’t have hope of escaping me after that.”

I walked toward the mirrored wall, talking over my shoulder. “I am the Queen of Atlantis, and these men belong to me.”

I ranmy hands along the glass of the two-way mirror, trying to determine how best to get them out of the tiny interrogation room. My hands shook, and tears burned my eyes. I needed to touch them, to feel their arms around me.

“Enough.” I growled. Trying to find the hidden entrance to the room was taking too long. This time, I didn’t even bother summoning my power before I rammed my shoulder into the wall. My power crackled around me, and the wall cracked, pieces of drywall falling like dust onto the plush carpeted floor.

I backed up and then ran full strength at the wall, throwing my hands up at the last minute to block the dust from my face. The wall turned to dust around me, and I launched myself straight into Kye’s lap.

“I thought you were dead!” I sobbed against his neck. “I saw you die in my vision!”

“Yeah, I thought I was, too.” Angling his head, he buried his face in my tangled hair.

“You were dead, Kye,” Storm spoke up, his voice pained.

I smiled at Storm and Eason, blowing them a kiss before turning back to Kye. “How are you alive?”

He looked just as confused as me. “I can’t explain it. I remember knowing I was dying, and then I woke up like I had just been asleep.”

“He died. We were lying on the deck of Richard’s yacht. There was something like a surge of power between us. It burned through the tranquilizers in our systems and healed our injuries.” I had missed Storm’s deep calm voice.

“And a lot of good that did us. Richard’s guys beat the crap out of us once we got here, all for information about the Orpati, which we refused to give,” Eason grumbled and then winked at me.

“Having our injuries be healed was incredible, but I got the biggest shock of my life when a very dead Kye suddenly gasped in air right next to me. No sooner had he started breathing, the idiot started laughing.” Storm shook his head in bewilderment.

I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew exactly how Kye had managed to survive death. What I didn’t know was why he would laugh. I looked back at Kye. “Why did you laugh?”

“Because my last thought had been how amazing it was going to be when you hunted Richard down. When I realized I wasn’t dead, I knew I would get a front-row seat, and I couldn’t wait!” He looked over my shoulder to where Richard was lying, wide-eyed and drooling, on the floor watching us. “Zosi girl, you were glorious!”

I smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. “We aren’t finished yet. Come. It’s time to get out of here.”

Placing my hands over the chains that bound their hands to the chairs, my power easily shattered the metal. They rubbed their hands and wrists, working on getting the blood flowing again. One by one, they took turns embracing me.

I wanted a lot more than a hug. I needed blood, a week spent snuggling in bed, and a long cry while Kye held me. My mind was refusing to believe he really stood there in front of me. Alive.

I led the way out of Richard’s suite, dragging the man across the floor behind me as though he weighed nothing. My mates had offered to carry him for me, but he was my prey. It seemed I couldn’t quite let go of the Siren’s predatory mindset, whether I was in the sea or on land. This was just who I was. I felt myself smiling, and I was really okay with it.

Reaching the edge of the floor, I looked down at the shattered glass and realized we didn’t have an easy way to get down. I slapped my forehead, annoyed at how dense I had been. I had the ability to teleport… An ability I had forgotten to use during this fight. Things might have been easier had I been using it.

Hoping that it would work, I closed my eyes and teleported the men, one at a time, to the lobby below. I then blinked Richard and me down as well. I walked out into the sunset; the storm had nearly cleared, and patches of blue sky could be seen.

As we walked away, I turned back toward the damaged building. Throwing my fist up, I brought it down hard. Richard’s grand headquarters imploded, and fire flared from the rubble, quickly turning the ruins into an inferno. Richard’s face reflected the orange and red flames, and I leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Get a good look at that fire, Richard. You will be seeing a lot of those in the underworld.”

As we walked along the edge of the ocean, I reached out to Lokene.Where are you, my love?

On the beach, where you came ashore. Come to me, Soyale,he responded immediately.

I looked out to sea, longing to jump in, but knowing we needed to get to Lokene and return to the yacht, our home. A dorsal fin sliced through the water.

“Sheba!” I cried, thrilled to see she had come to check up on me. I wondered if the creature had learned to teleport herself or just always managed to be in the right place at the right time.

“I have someone I would like you to eat, I mean, meet.”