In slow motion, the glass shattered into millions of pieces, the tiny crystals exploding into the room. I flipped my long hair over my shoulder and walked in with the confidence of a visiting queen. Glass moved slowly, as though it was moving through honey all around me.

Richard’s mouth dropped open, and he scrambled over his desk, seeking cover. There was no place for him to go to escape me. I took my time, allowing the glass to drop and skitter across the floor in all directions.

“Stop!” Richard held up a hand. He meant the gesture to be threatening, but it came across as desperate. “Don’t come any closer!”

“Or what? There is nothing you can do to me. Your men are dead. No one is coming to save you. If they do, I’ll kill them as well.”

“There has to be something you want! Name your price!” He was openly begging now. Pathetic.

I tilted my head, studying this pitiful excuse for a human. “You already have something of mine. I am here to take them back.”

“Yes! I’m sorry! Whatever it is, I’ll give it back. I have money, I’ll pay you back and include interest! Just don’t kill me. I’m an important man; the world needs me.”

I sneered at him. “You are not important. You have no value as a human, and when I kill you, the earth will rejoice. Even your death will not repay me for what you took from me.”

“Wha-what did I take? I’ve never met you before!”

I stepped closer, leaning down until our faces nearly touched. “You ordered your men to kidnap my mates, and when they didn’t come quietly, you ordered them to be shot.”

Confusion clouded his expression. The man had killed so many that he struggled to guess which men I was talking about.

“Where are they? Storm and Eason. Tell me now, and your death will be quick. Delay, and I will make your death excruciatingly painful.”

I stepped back, watching understanding dawning on him.

“Swear you won’t kill me, and I will take you to them.”

That might have worked if I hadn’t been able to read the man’s thoughts. As soon as I said Storm’s name, his thoughts went into overdrive.

I knew where my men were, which meant I no longer needed him.

“I gave you a choice, and you chose to delay. You will die painfully, and I will enjoy it. My shark will enjoy you.”

“If you take one more step, I’ll kill them!” he screamed, slapping a button on his desk and waving frantically to the wall furthest from us.

The white wall had no decor except a long smoke-colored mirror that ran the length of it. The tinted hue of the mirror shifted, and what I saw sent joy rushing through me, but it was followed quickly by white-hot fury. Never in my life had I experienced such strong emotions. I lost it.

Behind the mirror sat my mates. Pale skinned, with blood soaking their clothes. I turned to look at the man I hated more than I had hated anyone in my entire life. Hate wasn’t even a strong enough word for how I felt about this man.

“I hope you like hot weather, because the only place left in this realm you can go to escape from me is Tartarus.”

Ilaunched myself on his back. There was no need to waste time with this man or his pleas filled with lies. I willed my fangs to drop and prayed I wouldn’t end up shifting fully into my Siren form. That would be awkward.

My fangs descended, and taking a quick peek at my body, I was relieved to see they were the only part of me that had shifted.

“You’re a vampire? That’s impossible.” He grabbed for his neck, scrambling away from me. I wanted to laugh at his futile efforts.

The last thing I wanted was to sink my fangs into this man who was so contaminated by the Lure. I gagged a little at the thought. If I plugged my nose, could I avoid the rancid taste?

I stared down at him, biting my fingernail as I thought about the best way to kill him… slowly. Then I knew.

I let venom seep into my mouth, and then I slowly licked each nail, making sure to use just the right amount. Too much, and he would die far too quickly. Too little, and he could cause me more issues.

When finished, I sank my fingernails deep into the skin of his neck, not giving him time for a grandiose speech or to reach for a weapon. I was done playing games. It had been a freaking long day.

His body convulsed, and I smelled the acrid scent of urine as he lost control of his bodily functions. Leaning away from him, I looked down in disgust. He had already lost control of his muscles and was unable to speak. Silent, just like a good little victim.

I wanted him to know that he’d been beaten by a girl, and he hadn’t even had time to lift a finger against me. I wanted him to see this sanctuary that he had built crumble before his eyes. Most of all, I wanted the last thing he saw to be Sheba’s toothy grin.