“Lokene, even if you are correct about my mother, my father was human.” Zosime’s body trembled, and her eyes darted out to the ocean. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that if given the chance, she would have darted off into the safety of the depths of the sea.

“Your father wasn’t fully human. This realm has its own energy, and the earth has her own magik. He carried a bit of that old magik in him.” Lokene paused, taking a deep breath. “The old history says most Atlanteans had a bit of Ancient blood in them. Not much, but some. The same was true of earth magik. Over time, both bloodlines became diluted to the point that they were essentially non-existent. However, there were some who still carried a trace of that magik inside them. Your father carried more than anyone else on earth.” Again, he paused before continuing.

“The story I’ve been told by Ancients who were hanging out on earth around the time is that your parents were dedicated leaders. Under their rule and guidance, the Atlantean people worked hard to take care of the earth and protect her people. The magik of this realm honored your parents. When you were born, the earth and the sea placed a blessing on you, their daughter. The Ancients, not to be outdone, also gave you their blessing. To our knowledge, there has never been a child blessed by the magik of two realms. You are unique, a love child of the universe.”

The room remained quiet as his words sank in. None of us were sure what that meant for Zosi.

“So who gave her the fish-tail?” Kye broke the silence, going straight to the burning question on all our minds. How did she go from human to a mermaid?

“Zosime is Ancient, but also something other. She carries energy from the earth and the bloodline of those whom the humans consider gods. When Atlantis crashed into the sea, and the queen was being slaughtered by a soldier tainted by the Lure, she used the last of her power in a surge. She was trying to protect her daughter and the Heart of Atlantis.”

Tears slid soundlessly down Zosi’s face at her mother’s last act of love. We all moved forward, kneeling around her, each of us trying to comfort her.

Part of me wanted to punch him to get him to shut up, but I knew he had answers that no one else did. This might be hard for my Zosi, but some small part of me knew that as difficult as this was to hear, she needed it to heal.

Lokene kissed her hand and then continued his story. “At the same time, I sent my magik toward the disappearing city. They did not permit me to intervene in the battle, and I nearly caused war among the Ancients by attempting to come to Atlantis’ aid… to come to your aid.” Lokene tenderly brushed her tangled hair away from her face with the back of his hand.

“It was a pivotal point in history, and while the Ancients enjoy meddling in less important things, they could not get involved in a battle such as that one. I tried, but the Ancients used their powers to overpower me.

“They kept me from preventing the city from sinking. In an act of rebellion and heartbreak, I tried to at least preserve the city beneath the waves. I wanted to keep its secrets and treasures hidden in honor of your memory. To my surprise, there must have been a loophole in the rules, and it worked.” Lokene sat up, speaking intently.

“What I hadn’t expected was your mother’s burst of power or the surge of energy from the earth. A storm like none before, or since, bore down on the land and stirred the sea into a frenzy. Lightning streaked through the sky and water in a brilliant show. Screams filled the air as the world crackled with electricity and the lightning turned most of the enemy soldiers to ash.

“The combination of your mother’s energy, the magik of the earth and sea, and my own power reacted in a way that still isn’t fully understood. My thought was to preserve the city and keep it hidden. Your mother’s power must have been focused on keeping you alive and protecting the heart.”

Zosime interrupted him, “The last thing I remember thinking was that I had failed my people. I wanted to live to protect them.”

Lokene nodded. “I figured that was the case. When the magik-charged lightning hit the Heart of Atlantis, your body absorbed the energy it released. At that same moment, the power of two Ancients slammed into you. We all got what we asked for, just not how we had planned.” A soft smile flitted across his face.

“You survived, your body going into a deep sleep, suspended in time, the Atlantean crystal forming a cocoon around you. The earth’s blessing changed your body. It adapted to survive the environment it found itself in—water.

“The Ancients believe that the power of the Ancients slamming into you awoke your own latent abilities. Once that power awakened, it merged with your magik, and you changed the legs of your people to fins… Just like the sea had gifted you.”

She looked down at her legs, brushing her fingers along the pale skin. “Will they be able to have legs again, too?”

“I don’t know, Soyale. I wasn’t even positive you could return to your human form. You are different, and your body adapts quickly, working to ensure your survival. The Atlanteans have a tail, but they don’t have your bloodline, magik, or power. You are shifting and evolving at a rapid pace, and it is just one more thing we haven’t seen before. The Ancients don’t know what you are capable of, and it scares them.”

“I have to talk to them, to apologize.”

“Love, what happened before is in the past. A past that is so old it isn’t even included in modern history books. We are myths and legends. You have no reason to apologize.”

“Then I at least need to know if they are happy! I need to know if they want to return to the sun and the land.” She was vehement in her response, fire sparking in her eyes. “These are my people. I could not help the time I was asleep, but I am back now.”

I grinned, proud of my beautiful mate’s determination. She held herself tall, royal, like a—

Lokene smiled, his lips twitching in amusement as he watched realization dawn across my face. I finally knew what he meant when he said we were still missing something.

My throat tightened, the shock causing all my muscles to tense.

“You are the Queen of Atlantis.”

* * *

“But how amI going to talk to them? We can’t open the doors; that would drown all of us.” She waved a hand down her body. “I can’t exactly go out there now that my tail is gone.”

“You are thinking about what is impossible for humans.” Lokene tilted his head in our direction. “Okay, fine. If we opened the doors, they would die.”

I narrowed my gaze at him in a warning.