Sweat beaded my body as the call’s steady drumbeat picked up speed.

Kill. Destroy.

My gums ached, and my mouth went dry. I needed to finish this.

Richard’s laughter rang out, loud and nasty. “That elevator was the only way for you to reach this floor, and now it appears it will be out of order for a while.”

I snorted. “I don’t need your elevator.”

My heart cried out to the sea, whose waters still flooded the streets around the building and the lobby. I called it to me. The saltwater rushed to obey me, wrapping itself around me like an eager puppy awaiting his master’s command.

With a spin, I leaped into the air, the waters spinning beneath me, launching me toward the ceiling with effortless ease as it continued to surge up behind me.

Richard’s eyes widened when he realized I was coming for him, and there was nothing he could do to stop me. The man didn’t have a clue what I was capable of. Nor did he realize just how badly he had ticked me off.

“What are you all standing there for! Shoot her!” His voice held fear and panic, a beautiful sound that thrilled the hunter in me.

A flurry of automatic gunfire came from all around me.

I called to my magik, smiling as my body hummed with energy. He wanted to play?

Bring it.

Ispun, the water dancing around me. For a moment, I felt as though I were back in the ocean, moving weightlessly through the waters as I flipped and dove.

The water that could be so gentle and playful morphed into something feral. It lashed out at everything around me, a hurricane seeking what it could destroy. The chandelier above my head swayed dangerously as though it were a giant pendulum.

The barrage of bullets hit the water churning around me, only to be batted away like pesky, buzzing insects. Many of the bullets fell harmlessly to the floor, which was now several floors below me. Other bullets ricocheted off the brass banisters and marble-covered walls, and ended up embedding themselves in the shooters. Not a single bullet managed to get past the water to me.

Even with many of their comrades bleeding out on the floors, the rest continued to fire round after round at me. It wasn’t enough to defend myself; I needed to end this. Now.

Wind whipped around me, tugging violently at my clothing and tangling hair. A blinding bolt of lightning slammed into the ground just outside the building, shaking the earth with its power. All the lights in the building flickered, and then with a loud snap, the electricity went out. The massive storm that raged outside was blocking the sun, so when the power failed, it left us in semi-darkness.

Through the chaos, I saw Richard rush inside his office, slamming the glass doors behind him. I heard the click of locks as he tried to barricade himself inside the suite.

Yet the man called me stupid? What an idiot.

Those glass doors would not keep him safe, nor were they going to keep me out when I reached him.

An ominous groan came from above me, and I looked up sharply. The oversized chandelier swung wildly, the metal creaking as it bent this way and that. With a terrifying crack, the anchors holding it to the ceiling tore free, and the chandelier hurtled toward the earth, and I was in its path.

There was a moment where my heart stuttered in fear, and I believed the glass monstrosity hurtling toward me was going to impale and then crush me beneath it. The fear dissipated instantly when I remembered I was currently floating mid-air, on a pedestal made up of angry water. Seawater that almost seemed to enjoy the chance to destroy everything within its reach. I didn’t wake up this morning only to die by something as ugly as this chandelier.

Not today, Hades. Not today.

I concentrated on the magik and power that vibrated inside me, just waiting to be released. With a battle cry, I sent out a burst of energy. It exploded out of me, a wave that blew through the room. Nothing in its path remained untouched. The chandelier disintegrated as it fell in every direction, but not a piece touched me.

Spiderweb cracks appeared and spread through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and across the glass walls that surrounded each floor. There was a pause as everyone froze, mesmerized by the horrifying sight of the traveling lines that spelled trouble. No one dared to move or breathe.

Then, the glass exploded outward. Broken shards became weapons as they flew through the room, embedding into walls, furniture, and every guard in the room. The only sound in the large room was that of the falling glass as it rained down, a deadly sparkling shower, on the marble floors.

With no guards left to stop me, I let the water carry me to the top floor. I stepped from my watery pedestal, my chin lifted and body humming. I released my hold on the water, mentally thanking it for its help, and allowing it to return with a splash to the floor below.

I stared at the wall of glass. What was it with this man and glass? Richard stood on the other side, leaning back against a tall mahogany desk. His arms and legs were crossed casually, as though he didn’t have a care in the world… as if I hadn’t just destroyed his building and slaughtered his security team.

I looked closer at the glass that separated us. It was the only thing keeping me from finding my mates. Hairline fractures ran throughout the glass, and I smirked. This was going to be easy. Too easy.

Leaning forward, I opened my mouth and blew softly. There was no way he could have seen the energy I released at the same time. For a moment, nothing happened. Richard raised a mocking brow at me.