This time, his shoulders slumped in dejection. “Don’t you want me?”

“Are you serious? You can read my mind! You should know how much I want you and to be claimed by you.”

He flushed. Lokene actually flushed. “I was distracted and wasn’t listening.”

That surprised a laugh from me. Mr. Nosey was so distracted by my body that he wasn’t paying attention?

Lokene slipped off his shirt and pulled me into his lap.

I stiffened. “Lokene, are you sure? I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself.” If he continued to kiss me like that, I certainly wouldn’t be able to resist marking him.

“Yes, Soyale. The time has come for the bond to be completed. I’ve waited endless millennia to be with you. It’s my turn.”

Stretching back out on the bed, he pulled me down on top of him. Hooking his thumbs in the band of my pants, I thought he was going to push them down, but they vanished. My top was gone too. I gasped, staring at him in shock.

“What? I made your clothes out of thin air, and I can make them disappear as well.” His hands cupped my face. Leaning in, he added, “Keep that in mind, naughty Siren. I can make your clothing vanish. Any. Time. I. Want.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” I was horrified and excited by the thought.

“I guess we will see.” Lokene’s cat-that-caught-the-canary smile told me he would most certainly dare to take my clothes if it pleased him.

Two could play this game. Maybe. I concentrated on his pants, calling to my magik and hoping it could do what I wanted.

For a moment, nothing happened. Lokene lay smirking at me, likely knowing exactly what I was trying to do. Then I was suddenly staring hard at a very naked and very excited male body. I wanted to cheer, but my mouth went dry.

Lokene’s jaw dropped open, his eyes widening in shock. “That shouldn’t have happened. I made those pants. You shouldn’t be able to undo something an Ancient created!”

I crossed my arms under my breasts and lifted my chin. “You shouldn’t underestimate me. Ever.” I hadn’t actually believed I could do it, but there was no need to admit to that out loud.

The movement of my breasts caught his attention, distracting him from the fact he had no pants. Which was good for me since I had no idea where the pants had gone. Did they disintegrate? Or had my magik sent them somewhere random?

Grabbing my waist, Lokene rolled me to my back, pressing my body into the mattress with his own. Using his forearms to hold himself up, he kept from squishing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. This was one of the rare occasions I found myself preferring my human legs to my Siren’s tail.

He kissed my neck, slowly moving down my collarbone and then lower to my breast. He paused, his hot breath blowing across the hard peak of my nipple. I arched my back, trying to hurry him along. With a soft laugh, he obliged, sucking my nipple into his mouth and teasing it with his teeth.

Heat bloomed through my body. As he kissed first one breast and then the other, need fanned the flames of my desire into a raging inferno. I was going to burn alive. I needed more. Digging my nails into the mattress, I curled my fingers in the sheets.

The ache in my fangs had gone from dull ache to throbbing pain. As long as he didn’t get too close to my teeth, we would be fine, and he could take his sweet time. He must not have been reading my thoughts, or he was trying to tempt me, because he shifted his body and nuzzled my neck. This put his shoulder mere inches from my fangs.

I can control this, I can control—

My fangs sank into his neck in one swift motion. The exotic taste of his blood exploded on my tongue. It was intoxicating.

His body jerked, and he moaned. “I can’t believe you are in my arms.”

“Mmpf,” I agreed, my voice muffled against his skin. I was relieved that my venom wasn’t going to affect him because I could feel it pumping into his bloodstream.

I knew we had a slight problem when his breathing sped up and his heart raced. Forcing myself to release my hold on him, I pulled back and looked into his eyes. His pupils were so large that his irises were barely visible. The thin sliver of iris that I could see glowed. The unnatural light in his eye was a shocking reminder he wasn’t human, regardless of how human he appeared.

His erection bumping against my flat stomach distracted me for a moment, turning me on more than I cared to admit.

“Soyale?” he panted out the endearment.

“Yes?” My own breathing was ragged.

“I was wrong. Your venom works on Ancients,” he growled, grinding his hips against mine.

My brain tried to focus. This seemed like an important piece of information, something that could make a big difference. A difference in what, I couldn’t remember. All I could think about was the feel of his hard erection sliding along my wet slit.