“Why are you so grouchy? I thought it went really well.” I was confused. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time, which is why they had stayed so long.

“That’s the problem. It went too well. I wanted time with you before everyone else returned. This has really cut into my time.” He was scowling in irritation.

“You’re sulking!” I couldn’t help but laugh. The man was being ridiculous.

“I am not.” We were both quiet until he chuckled softly. “Fine, I am sulking. It seems you’re bringing out emotions I didn’t even know I possessed.”

We made our way back to the bedroom, and I swam over to the large windows that looked out over the ocean floor. It was so desolate, reminding me of the way the Ancients had once described other planets. Rock formations created all strange shapes that dotted the sandy landscape and cast odd shadows on the sand.

Schools of fish swam by, twinkling in the dark sea like stars in the night sky. Occasionally, a gigantic shadow would fall across the watery tableau in front of me, and I would catch sight of a whale lumbering past.

As a child, I had looked through these windows at a scene so different from the one in front of me now. My dream since returning to Atlantis had been to figure out a way to bring Atlantis, and her people, back into the modern world.

I wasn’t sure if that was what I wanted anymore. My soul was attached to the sea, and it was my home now. The ocean called to me, and I never wanted to be far from it.

Watching the mers as they tended to their homes and families, and as they laughed and ate this morning, I questioned whether trying to make them human again was truly what was best for them. They were happy, and for now, they were safe.

Zeno slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me back against his chest. “What are you thinking about, my beautiful mate?”

I hummed in contentment. “About how much I love our people and how much I love the sea.” There was no way I could put into words everything that I was feeling, not when emotions still felt so foreign to me.

Spinning me in his arms, Zeno turned me to face him. “Do you know what I’m thinking about?” His lips brushed across my cheekbone.

The light touch sent a delicate shiver along my skin. Taking my time, I kissed my way along his chiseled jawline. He breathed out, the warm water a stark contrast to the cold water of these depths.

His hands slid up from my hips, across my waist, and up my ribcage. A fire burned everywhere his fingers touched. His fingers brushed along the edges of my soft armor, and need surged through me. How could something intended to protect me also be incredibly sensitive to the touch of my mate?

His long black hair floated in the current, a dark crown around his face. I sank my hands into the raven locks, running my nails along his scalp. This time, he was the one who shuddered.

“I want you, Zosime.” His voice was all gravel and need.

“Then have me,” I whispered against his lips.

I carefully pricked his lip with a single fang. I don’t think he even noticed. He was far too busy exploring every inch of my body with the eagerness of a horny teenager.

Zeno’s breathing had already become ragged, but I still knew the instant my tiny dose of venom hit his bloodstream. He moaned, grabbing my butt and hauling me against him. Hard. I had wanted to tease him, but the feel of his hot bulge pressing against me sent liquid heat rushing to my core. If I wanted to play my little game, I needed to do it now, before we were both lost to the venom’s lust-fueled haze.

With a single hard push, I freed myself from his hold. He stared at me blankly, confusion clouding his features.

“If you want me, you’ll have to catch me.” I blew him a kiss, performed an elegant flip, and darted through the doorway and out into the sea.

Even with my skills as a warrior, the merman quickly began to catch up. Trying to throw him off, I darted through rock formations and spun my way around the remains of two sunken ships. It slowed him down, but not nearly enough.

Thrusting my fluke hard, I veered skyward and swam as though a predator were on my tail—which was partially true. Glancing over my shoulder, I caught the glint of his glowing blue eyes and the flash of fangs. Gone was the tender lover, and in its place was a fierce hunter who was determined to capture his prey.

To say the Siren was thrilled would be the understatement of the century. She was almost salivating at the thrill of being chased by the sexy merman and purring at the thought of what he would do once he caught up.

The water lightened to a pale blue, and the sun’s rays shimmered on the water’s surface above me. Almost there. His fingers brushed the flowing tips of my fluke. I needed to be quicker than this if I was going to make it.

The hull of our yacht came into view. Reaching for the magik inside me, I used it to surge ahead. Rushing along the length of the boat, I made it to the secret hatch. Slamming my hand down on the button, I waited impatiently as the door rose, squeezing inside as soon as it had lifted enough to allow my body through.

I’d barely made it inside when I heard Zeno’s body slam into the hull. He had to wait for the door to lift further before making his way inside. I was already speeding for the stairs. I called to my magik again, focusing on my human legs.

This time, the shift was faster. No sooner had my tail disappeared than I reached the steps and clambered my way up the slick stairs. I was giddy at the thought of leaving the water and being able to tease my merman from just out of his reach.

I laughed as I made it onto the stone floor. My laughter was short-lived as a large hand clamped around my ankle. I stumbled and caught myself. I was breathless, and my surprised squeal at being caught didn’t help. Collapsing onto my back on the smooth floor, I went limp, my giggles turning to hiccups as the merman slowly pulled me back into the water. A thrill of excitement shot through me at the thought of what he might do.

Zeno pulled me back into the water, spinning around so that he sat on a step, with his hips and tail submerged. He adjusted me so that I straddled his lap, facing him. Blue eyes traveled my pale human body while his hands again explored my torso, only this time, I was naked, and no armor covered my flesh.