Zosime caught the phone. “Storm, come to Key West. I love you all.” She didn’t wait for his response. Tossing the phone into the water, she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. She arched her body and flipped me out of the boat and into the sea.

I gasped in surprise as water rushed into my lungs. I began to thrash, my need for air overwhelming all other thoughts. Above us, the dark of the night burst into blinding red and gold. I needed air or I was going to die. But if the men were up there, surfacing could mean my death as well.

“Fynn, my love. Listen to my voice.”

Her body moved against mine, her tail curling around my legs to calm my thrashing.

“I need you to trust me.”

“Whatever you want, princess.”

Her lips pressed against mine. Thinking this was likely the last time, I kissed her with wild abandon, savoring every second. It took several seconds for my foggy brain to realize that I was tasting blood in my mouth.

“Drink it, Fynn. Hurry.”There was urgency in her voice. I obeyed without question.

My lungs burned, and stars sparkled against my closed eyelids. I was going to lose consciousness.

Then her lips disappeared. I barely registered the prick of her fangs in my throat. I relaxed, no longer fighting the inevitable.

“I love you, princess.”

“Breathe, silly man.”

She had lost it. I couldn’t breathe underwater.

“I said breathe. Obey me, stubborn human.”

Her voice carried a power I hadn’t heard from her before. I sucked in a shocked breath at her command… and the burning in my lungs eased. In disbelief I breathed again, pulling water deep into my lungs. With each breath, the burning in my chest eased and the fog in my brain cleared.

“I’m breathing. Underwater.”I couldn’t believe it.


“But how? Did you know you could do this?”

“I adapt with each challenge. When Atlantis fell, I was blessed or cursed, I still don’t know which. I am meant to survive. Perhaps it is so I can fulfill my oath, or maybe it is simply to amuse the Ancients. You’re my mate, and now your life is intertwined with mine. I knew I was going to lose you, and I wasn’t willing to accept that.”

“How long will this new ability last?”

“You will need to take my blood every few hours. When Storm exhibited the traits of my Siren after ingesting my blood and toxin, I began to wonder if he might have had borrowed other abilities from me. I had planned to test my theory when we were somewhere safe, and all together. I didn’t want to say anything until I was positive. Tonight, I had no choice.”

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.

“Now what?”I was out of my depth, literally.

“We wait for your ride.”Zosi laughed a silky laugh and I started to worry.