“You have a tail?” His skin was turning a strange, mottled color.

“Oh.” I looked at my tail and then back at him. “Yes, I am a commander of Atlantis and a Siren of the sea. Today you will take a one-way trip to Tartarus!Prepare yourself for death.”

The speech was new. I tended to be more direct and to the point with my kills. Kye would be proud.

It was time to act. My vibrating body moved toward my prey, but not with the hypnotizing slither of a snake. Nor did it move with the sway of a giant cat stalking its prey. Instead, my body was so full of magik it bounced across the floor like a fat joyful seal.

For the love of the Ancients!

The man brandished the knife at me like he was trying to scare off a dog, not a terrifying creature of myth and legend who just told him she planned to kill him.

I bounced into his legs, knocking him to the ground. He grabbed for the knife as it skittered across the floor, but I knocked it across the floor with a flick of my fluke. It was harder to strangle a man on land, so eventually I bit into his neck and delivered my venom. He stopped struggling almost instantly, his body limp and eyes unseeing.

I didn’t need to eat yet, but knowing we had a journey coming up, I decided it was best to drink what I could. I bit down again and sucked in a mouthful of blood. My stomach clenched and bile rose up my throat. I never enjoyed the taste of blood until I drank from my men, but I had also never had my stomach reject blood. It was necessary for my survival and blood was blood, right?

I drew in another mouthful, my eyes watering as I fought past my gag reflex and swallowed it. My breaths were coming in pants now, but I was determined to drink so I wouldn’t be a burden to my mates.

My fangs were still deep in the man’s neck, tears running down my face as I gagged down the blood, when I heard Fynn’s voice.

“Zosi! What happened? Are you ok––” His voice trailed off. No doubt taking in the blood splattered across the floor, the ripped papers and destroyed items from the man scattered around us. His mouth opened and closed several times, but no words came out.

Retracting my fangs, I hurried to reassure him. “I can explain!”

I didn’t get a chance to explain though, because the pressure of the call built inside me. The Lure was nearby, ebbing away at someone’s soul.

An officer ran into the room, his gun drawn. But it wasn’t pointed at me. He entered the room with it focused on Fynn.

Well, well. This was convenient. It wasn’t often that the Lure came to me. And right now, the magik of the Ancients still ran through my veins.

He was about to sleep with the fishies.