Kye laughed, moving to help Storm check on my unconscious mate. “He’ll be fine,” he reassured me. “Every marine biologist and marine archaeologist on earth is in love with the legends of Atlantis. You just told the biggest nerd of them all that Atlantis is real. He was already struggling to keep his excitement under control over you being a mermaid, this just pushed him over the edge.”

They moved Fynn to the tiny cot, and then turned back to me. Kye plucked me out of Eason’s lap and twirled me around.

“Zosi, we will follow you wherever you go,” he said. “Whether it is a modern city, or a city of legend.”

I couldn’t help but smile. These men had brought such love and light into my life. Kye took a seat and settled me on his lap. Storm held out a small brush. I reached for it, but Kye snatched it and began brushing my damp tangled locks.

“After we made it to shore last night, we all went straight to bed,” he began. “This morning we woke to a message from our commander. He wants us to go in person to brief him on what’s been going on and to look at some data he has collected regarding our previous mission. I tried to get out of it, but the officials here have ruled the recent deaths as accidents and shark attacks. They are trying to get us out of here, to stop us from investigating them.

“We are in a bad position. If we disagree with their findings, we will be asked to show proof. Obviously, we aren’t going to show them proof that you exist. It is best for your safety if we just go along with their reports. However, if we agree with their medical examiner’s reports, we are going to be removed from this case and shipped off to our next mission. Whoever has been orchestrating things behind the scenes around here will get away with it.”

The cot creaked as Fynn sat up. He rubbed at the back of his head and winced. Kye snickered.

“You guys go ahead and report back to your boss,” Fynn mumbled slowly. “I have private use of this part of the facility for the weekend and will use the time to arrange for some things that will help us to assist Zosime in her search.” His logical brain had kicked back in, ready to efficiently do whatever needed to be done.

“How did you arrange the private use of this facility?” Storm asked. “This may not be the most populated coastal city, but this center is well known for their snotty treatment of those outside of their little clique. I had a very hard time getting copies of some of their research a few years back, even though it had been funded by my boss and he was the one requesting the documents.” Storm’s eyes were narrowed on Fynn.

Fynn just waved his hand casually in the air and replied, “I’m giving a talk at their private charity event next year.”

Eason’s laughter was so loud that I squeaked in surprise and clung to Kye. “They suckered you!” he said. “I bet they’re bragging to the entire marine biology and conservation community.”

I looked questioningly at Fynn, but he only shrugged. Eason got himself under control enough to answer my unspoken question.

“Fynn is a renowned leader in marine biology,” he said. “His lab is cutting edge, and their research provides massive breakthroughs in the field. If a new technique is announced that will reduce pollutants in the ocean, it’s Fynn’s lab that created it. If a new species is discovered, or new research is released about an existing marine species, ninety-five percent of the time it comes from Fynn’s lab.

“What makes this so ridiculously hilarious, is how they managed to rope the most elusive man on earth into a private lecture. Fynn has given exactly three lectures in the last decade. People pay absurd amounts of money for those highly sought-after seats. I know, I could have bought a sports car for what I had to pay. Your newly claimed mate is the darling of his field. They should have allowed him use of this facility out of courtesy for all he gives to conservation, instead they extorted him. And he is so besotted with you that he agreed without question to their demands, even knowing the stress it will put him under. You caught him hook, line and sinker. It turns out our little fish is quite the talented fisherman.”

My mouth hung open. I was not surprised to discover exactly how talented my scholar mate was, I already knew that. However, finding out that the shy humble man was a man of fame in his world was a shock. None of his thoughts had even hinted that he was more than a private man that thrived in research.

“Look!” Kye cried. “She just realized she married a rich man. Wait until she finds out the rest!” He cackled in glee.

I bit the inside of my cheek. Laughter welled up inside me and tried to break free, the feeling was still foreign and strange. I wondered how Kye would react when he knew the secrets of Atlantis.

“Now’s not the time, Kye,” Storm interjected. “We have a lifetime to discuss the details of our lives. Let’s focus on creating a plan to keep her safe and help her find her home.”

“Storm’s right. The sooner we report to command, the sooner we can return,” Eason said. He was back to his serious self, his face an emotionless mask. Then he winked at me.

Butterfly wings tickled my stomach at his gesture and my heart skipped a beat. I found myself wanting to roll my eyes. These men were making me soft, something I couldn’t afford to be. Not yet.

“We are going to request a leave of absence,” Storm said, turning to Kye and Eason. “If they deny it, we will hand in our resignations. We like to serve, but not at the expense of Zosi’s safety. She is our priority until we get things figured out. The helicopter to fly us out will arrive within the hour. Fynn can padlock the doors to this facility, while he goes and arranges what he thinks we will need. That will keep any nosy staff from wandering in here.” Storm turned to Fynn and added, “Fynn, you can contact me on my private cell if you need to use any of my resources for the arrangements. I want all our communications to be on untraceable lines only. Kye will give you a new cell before we leave.”

Fynn nodded and Storm continued, “Zosi, I know you aren’t going to like this,”––he turned to face me, his expression solemn––“but we need you to stay in here until we return. We hope that we can make it back tonight, but it may be morning before we return. It is too risky for Fynn to try sneak you out in broad daylight by himself. I am also selfish, but I don’t want you to be separated from all of us at once. I know you can sense us in the water, but we are still new to this, and I want to be able to communicate with you while we prepare for this expedition.”

I hated the thought of being forced to stay on land. I had a secret hope that one day I would walk on land again, but this body was made for the sea. While on land, I was more vulnerable, a feeling I didn’t enjoy. Storm’s logic made sense, so I would not argue with his plan. They were sacrificing much for me; I could spend a few hours hiding in this room to please them.

“Zosi, how long can you stay on land?” Fynn asked. “Will you be uncomfortable?” His worried eyes bore into me.

“To be truthful, I don’t know,” I replied. “This is the longest I have been out of the water since awakening. I am thirsty, and my skin itches a little, but I am not in pain. It will be fine. Let us get started on this plan.”

“Do you have things you need to collect before we leave the area, soldier?” Eason’s question caught me off guard.


“Are you sure?” Kye pressed. “We don’t mind getting them before we sail out.” He was being so sweet.

“I have nothing,” I said and their collective sadness was so powerful that it slammed into me like a physical blow. “As long as all four of you are on the boat, then I have collected all I have, which is also everything I could have wanted.”

That is how I found myself being smothered in the first group hug I had ever received. Kisses pressed against my cheeks and shoulder, hands stroked my hair, and warm bodies pressed tight around me.