“Zosime!” Kye cried in anguish.

Another wall of water exploded to our right. The monster shark broke the surface, the final bull shark crushed in her jaws. My stomach dropped and Kye roared behind me. The dying bull shark still held the mermaid’s tail clamped in its jaws. Blood poured from her tail, but that didn’t stop her. She fought like a wild cat, striking out at the bull shark. I watched in amazement as she pressed her fingers into her mouth, and then sank her claws into the thick skin of the shark. The trio sank under the foamy water. My heartbeat pounded in my ears. I knew we should start swimming toward the shore. Storm needed a hospital, but I couldn’t leave her.

Tears of relief burned in my eyes when I saw the mermaid’s head surface. She had survived, but she was struggling. I swam toward her and pulled her against my chest. Exhaustion was etched on her face, but the feisty little vixen tried to wiggle free.

“Stop wiggling,” I said. “You’re injured and fighting me is only going to make it worse.”

“I do not need your assistance.” The words were hissed, but her tone lacked any fire.

“Woman, listen to me! Not only did you save our useless hides, but you did it like a freaking rockstar! Human girls daydream of a prince on a white horse coming to their rescue, a fairytale I had always believed to be ridiculous. But that changed when I watched you burst out of the sea. A warrior princess riding a great white shark to our rescue.”

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion when I said the word princess, but she stopped resisting my hold.

“I hope Kye isn’t a jealous man, because I just fell head-over-heels in love with you, soldier.”