Icircled beneath a small fishing boat that bobbed on the ocean’s surface above me. The moon was mostly hidden behind clouds; the lack of light turned the sea obsidian. Light or no light, I could track my prey with ease thanks to my gifts.

I had been drawn here by the call. You would think that taking the longest nap in history would have dulled the strength of the pull. No such luck. It was far worse than I remembered. Of course, that had been centuries ago, so my memory might be foggy.

Echoes of deep male laughter vibrated through the water. For several minutes I clung to the underside of the rocking boat. The man’s thoughts slammed into me, nearly causing me to lose my tenuous grip on the boat. I shivered—and it had nothing to do with the dark sea around me. The call drummed in my head, growing louder with each minute I waited. I breathed deeply.

My heartbeat slowed to a steady rhythm in my chest. I knew what had to be done, the same thing that I had done hundreds of times before. I gripped the side of the boat and lifted my upper body from the water. Cold saltwater slid down my face and shoulders, seemingly washing away what little was left of my emotions.

It was time.

I used my arms to brace myself on the edge of the boat.

“Good evening.”

At the sound of my soft raspy voice, the loud human male startled. His eyes grew wide, and his breathing shallow as he stared at me. He recovered quickly, swallowing a large gulp of his foul-smelling drink before tossing the can into the sea. It bobbed on the surface alongside several others he had discarded. The humans of this time appear to have little respect for the earth.

He stumbled toward me, a smile curling his lips. “What’s a little thing like you doing out here? Did your boyfriend toss you out of his boat for misbehaving?”

I forced an answering smile. Only a few steps further and it would be too late for him. “I need help.”

“I’m happy to help, little lady. I think there are some ways you can help me, too.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making sure I didn’t miss what he was implying.

One more step.

“Mm.” I had never lied, so I found it best to speak to my prey as little as possible. He interpreted my hum as encouragement and took that last fateful step. Leaning down, he brought his face near mine. The putrid smell of his hot breath made me want to gag. Are all human males from this era gross? I would have recoiled, but the call drove me into action.

I threw my arms around his neck, locking them in place. Letting myself fall backward, I yanked him with me. Hard. My momentum knocked him off balance. He uttered a shocked scream and toppled into the sea.

The night was filled with his curses and frantic splashing. On land, his size would have given him an advantage against most women, but he was in my territory now. I took no pleasure in hearing his struggles. I was an efficient hunter. Keeping my arms locked around his neck, I spun around until I was behind him. His cries cut off abruptly when my grip tightened.

He struggled helplessly against my hold. I sank below the surface, allowing the murky depths to engulf me. The man had relaxed in my grip, no longer conscious. His pulse grew fainter with each passing second. The pressure that had steadily built inside me since I first heard tonight’s call had turned painful. My stomach clenched in agony. A wave of dizziness blurred my vision. I knew from experience that it would get worse the longer I waited.

My teeth lengthened, allowing me to bite deep into the man’s neck. The sour taste of his blood filled my mouth, causing me to gag as I swallowed. His heart gave a final stuttering beat. The pressure inside me released with a pop. It was over.

With a thrust of my powerful fluke, I swam deeper, effortlessly dragging the large male with me. A shadow passed near me, announcing the arrival of another predator. The shark turned, sleek grey skin gently bumping into me. I had met the magnificent female when I surfaced near the small fishing town several days before. She was a warrior like me.

Having taken what blood I needed, I released the man to the ocean and her subjects.

Tonight’s hunt had been successful.