
His answer resounded in my mind. It was filled with confidence and absolute certainty. He was mine. I moved to return his kiss, but he pulled away.

“You have no idea how much I want to experience your bite,” he said, “but I want to make love to you the first time without the venom in my system. You need blood, and I think I have figured out a solution.”

He moved to the cabinet, grabbing several items before returning to sit on the edge of the cot.

“My blood will flow through this tube,” he explained, holding up a long, thin tube, “and you can drink me like juice pack.”

I didn’t know what a ‘juice pack’ was. The only human beverage I would like to drink was bubbly soda. But my mouth watered when a drop of blood appeared on his skin next to the needle. He had inserted the needle directly into his vein, I would have to be careful to not take too much. It was easier to monitor how much I had taken when my fangs were embedded in a pulsing vein.

He placed the tip of the tube between my dry lips. “Bite down gently, love. You don’t want it to slip free.”

I bit down on the tube, scrunching my nose at the odd taste of it. My gums ached with the desire to sink into his neck, but I fought off the urge. This seemed important to my mate. He secured the needle with tape, did something to the tube, and blood speed through the clear tube.

When the warm crimson liquid poured into my mouth, I moaned in pleasure. My eyes closed of their own accord, wanting to savor the taste of his blood. It tasted like the sweet spice of cinnamon, a treat I had tasted when traveling with my battalion long ago. The Siren was just below my skin, eager to pounce on Fynn the moment my control slipped.

Hot lips pressed against my stomach and my back arched in response.

“Be still, Zosime. You need to heal. Let me explore your beautiful body while you drink what you need.”

There was something seductive about hearing him speak directly to me in my mind. I had considered hearing the deluge of voices in my mind as a curse, but I might have to change my opinion.

Fynn trailed tender kisses up my stomach. My breath caught when he kissed between my breasts. His hand teased up my uninjured side, and I squirmed into his touch.

“Behave, or I will stop until you have healed.”

I stilled, not wanting him to stop. My stomach clenched in desire at his command. Fynn had seemed like a gentle, shy man. This confident, self-assured man was an exciting surprise.

His hand teased along my torso again, this time brushing against my breast. I moaned around the tube in my mouth. Hot lips joined his talented fingers, tracing the lines of my scaled breastplate. I focused on staying relaxed, a hard task since I wanted to jump up and sink my fangs into him.

Agile fingers made their way to my tail, paying attention to each scale. I wanted to beg him to move lower and couldn’t seem to stop my hips from shifting a fraction toward his fingers.

Immediately, his hand stopped. I growled in frustration.

“You may rule the sea, but when we are intimate on land, I am the boss. Do you understand, princess?”

My body became impossibly wet. Something must have happened to me while I was suspended in time. I had never allowed a man to command me. This man gives an order, and my body becomes even more aroused. I wanted to obey him. The Siren wanted to disobey him to see if he would punish us. There was something wrong with this body. Lost in my thoughts, I forgot to answer him.

“I asked you a question, Zosime. I expect an answer.”


His eyes widened in shock at my voice in his mind. It seemed the Siren was very intrigued by his new game and wanted to play. I had never been able to speak in a human mind until I spoke in Kye’s, and I assumed that was because we had bonded. This Siren body continued to change the rules.

“Good girl.”

I meant to curl my lips in derision at the ridiculous praise, instead my core throbbed. The Atlantean Queen had appointed me the commander of her entire army, and now my traitorous body was eager to obey Fynn’s orders. Oh! How the mighty had fallen.

I was relieved when he began his exploration again. My body screamed for him to hurry, but I remained quiet. His body slid along the length of mine, setting every nerve ending on fire. I almost cried out when he bumped against my hidden channel.

“Kye told us about your scales, and how they hide your sex. I am going to enjoying finding it for myself.”

Kill me now. My body was going to burn from the inside out. Fynn inspected each scale like the scientist he was, and then he licked and kissed it before moving to the next. My body had been stirred into a frenzy worse than any shark frenzy I had witnessed in the ocean.

“Fynn. Stop your blood flow, you have given me enough.”

For a moment I thought he might scold me, but instead he paused and removed the tube from my mouth and the needle from his arm. He bandaged his arm and then looked into my eyes. His were filled with a wild hunger that I recognized.