Grant is on a date with his girlfriend—a date that’s really important to him, a date that I’ll never get to experience because I’m just his ex’s troubled kid. Not to mention, he’s straight as his brand-new fucking fishing pole.
“What’d the bar top do to you, bro?” Sky grouses, somehow managing to sound both bored and displeased at the same time.
I sigh, tossing the filthy rag over my shoulder. “I need something to take the edge off.”
“What edge?” they ask, although it sounds more like a statement.
“The fuckingedge,Sky. It doesn’t matter what it is—only thing that matters is it’s here, and I need it gone.”
Their eyes narrow, scrutinizing me. “Listen, if you go take a shot or two in the back room, will you forget how to do your job?”
“No, I’m going to turn into a complete idiot from two shots. Come on.” I know I’m being snappy, but I can’t help it. I’m just fed up, and I’m ready to do something stupid.
“Christ, go drink then, and be quick about it. It’s Friday night, if you haven’t forgotten. Oh, and you better be sober when Daddy Grant comes to pick you up.”
I roll my eyes and grab a bottle of whiskey before trudging off.
“Sex Type Thing” by Stone Temple Pilots filters into the dim room. The single light bulb hanging from the ceiling flickers on and off. I look down at the bottle, realizing I didn’t grab a glass, so I make the quick decision to just up-end it. I hold the spout a few inches from my mouth and let it sear down my throat. My eyes burn as I swallow it down, but I go back for more. And more. And more.
When I swing the door open, it hits me all at once. The liquor sloshes around in my stomach; it buzzes through my veins. With heavy limbs, I step back behind the bar. Sky takes one look at me and shakes their head, but I notice the small smirk on their lips. It lifts my mood just a fraction.
A guy swaggers up to the bar from an especially rowdy group who’ve been here for a while. I’d debated seeing what they’re getting into but thought better of it. But now, with alcohol boosting my confidence—and maybe lowering my inhibitions—it’s starting to seem like a solid idea.
“More of the same?” I ask him. They’ve been ordering pitchers of beer for the last few hours. Typical group of college kids.
His crystal blue eyes light up on a laugh. “You got it.”
I ready the pitcher under the tap, keeping an eye on it as it fills. “Where are y’all headed after this?”
He smiles, showing a row of perfect, blindingly white teeth. I try not to let my gaze linger on his mouth as he responds. “We’re actually going to a party. They have one at this spot out by the water like every weekend.”
Knew it.College kids are so predictable; I should know considering I am one. “I’m new in town, only here for the summer.” I set the pitcher on the bar.
“Yeah, I know. It’s a small town, so everyone knew when you started working here. You’re Grant’s nephew or something, right?”
I cringe a little on the inside. “Not quite. He’s my mom’s friend.” I cross my arms, leaning against the bar.
He nods slowly, giving me a quick once over. “You get off soon, right? We’ll wait for you.” He leans in a bit closer. “My friend, Lucy, thinks you’re the hottest thing she’s ever seen.”
I chuckle. I think I know exactly who he’s talking about—the drop-dead beautiful girl with long red hair who’s been making eyes at me all night. I look past his shoulder and find her watching us.
While still meeting her eyes, I smirk and say, “I’m in.”
We fist bump, and I swipe the beer that sloshed from the pitcher off the counter. I’m not particularly set on hooking up with her, but it does seem like it’ll help. Jacking off in the shower everyday thinking of Grant is driving me crazy.
Sky looks at me with something like concern in their black, heavily shadowed eyes. “You sure about that?”
I shrug. “What’s the worst that can happen? Are they shitty people?”
Their eyebrows jump into their hairline. “No, they’re pretty chill, actually. But uh, Daddy Grant won’t be too happy about this.”
“WellDaddy Grantis out on a date,” I say under my breath.
Sky’s eyes widen comically with realization. Oh, fuck.
“No fucking way. You’re jealous!”
I flounder, my mouth opening and closing aimlessly before I settle on, “That’s ridiculous.”