I watch his small hole stretch into a wide ring as it takes the thicker part of my shaft, unable to tear my gaze away. My heart thuds rapidly as his perfect ass finally meets my hips. “You feel so fucking good, baby boy,” I rasp. He begins to move on my cock, sliding forward and back at a brutally sedate pace.
That won’t do.
I grab his hips with both hands and lift them up as I slam into him. He groans. My fingers tighten around him, hard enough to bruise as I pummel into his ass over and over again. He’s a panting mess beneath me, making unintelligible noises. “Daddy,” he says breathlessly. “Daddy, Daddy, Da—” He trails off, face deep in my pillow as I buck into him wildly. My hair flies around my face, strands sticking to the damp skin as I unleash all of this pent-up desire into him.
The way he wants me to handle him so roughly makes me feel barbaric and feral. My teeth gnash together as I drill into him, using my grip on his hips to meet my thrusts. His never-ending cacophony of sounds goes straight to my cock. It throbs inside of him, ready to burst. “Grab your dick, baby,” I tell him.
His hand flies toward it immediately, the muscles in his arm quivering as his fist flies between his legs. I look down at the reddened ring of muscle that’s asphyxiating my cock, getting lost in the slick, wet slaps of our skin. It’s not long before Hendrix’s climax rips through him, and he goes limp. With my hands secured around his hips, I rut into him a few more times. My balls squeeze up, and my cock explodes into the latex; the orgasm just keeps going and going. My head falls back as I still inside of him. His walls clench around my spent cock, and I feel a little more cum shoot from the tip like a bolt of lightning.
I pull out of him, ripping the condom off and collapsing on him. My arms instantly wrap around his middle, pulling him as close as possible. His skin is piping hot to the touch and sticky with sweat, but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with him in my arms. I pepper kisses over each of his closed eyelids, his face a picture of serenity.
“I don’t want to leave,” he croaks, throat dry from exertion. “I want to stay here with you.”
My stomach falls. I’ve been trying not to think about it, but it’s always right there in the front of my mind. We still need to tell Cynthia, and I just don’t think I’m ready for it. Even though she and I have stayed in touch over the years, we’ve drifted apart. We’re two very different people, and I like to think I know her well, but she’s changed a whole lot while I’ve stayed the same. “You have to go back to school. It’s the most important thing right now.”
His voice is lazy with sleep, “I can just transfer to the college nearest here. I looked into it, and it’s not far—just an hour commute. Plus, I’ll have my car back. I know I’ve saved enough money already to get it fixed.”
My heart speeds up in my throat at the prospect of himlivingwith me. It seems impossible and too fast. None of my ex’s have lived with me, but everything about him is different. Still, I feel like he hasn’t thought out this decision. “Your whole life is in the city—your friends, your mom, everything you’ve ever known.”
“No. My whole life is here with you. Marina is the only one I care about, and we can still see each other whenever. She’s only a few hours away.”
I swallow the lump in my throat. He peers up at me with those stunning emerald eyes, and I look away, not wanting him to see my reluctance. It’s something I need to think more about, I guess. It takes time for me to adjust to change, even when it’s good like this.
If I allow myself to envision what life will be like if he leaves to go back to school, it hurts. My heart aches, a low throb in my chest. It reminds me how easy it is to take for granted what’s right in front of you—the subtle but ever-present comfort he gives me just by simply existing with me. Waking up with him tucked up against me and falling asleep with him talking my ear off. Teaching him and showing him new things and him doing the same for me. He’s made me face all the shit that’s been fogging up my mind and eating away at my self-esteem for as long as I can remember. Hendrix has forced me to grow and realize I’ve been stagnant for far too long.
One look at the Everglades would have anyone thinking it’s just a swamp, but it’s actually one of the slowest moving rivers in the world. And yet, it still provides a beautiful, unique ecosystem for hundreds of different species.
I want to start flowing again—no matter how slow, and Hendrix is the reason for it.
I want toliveagain—with him.
“We need to talk to Cynthia first,” I amend.
He doesn’t say anything in response, just nuzzles closer to me. He drifts asleep, but I can’t seem to get the rusty wheels in my mind to stop turning.
The sun blares down at us, classic rock music playing on the radio. Summer’s coming to an end next week, and I thought it’d be a good idea for us to invite some people over and grill some food. Sky is sitting on one of the Adirondack chairs, decked out in all black and Ray Ban sunglasses. Patty is inside fussing over a pasta salad. I didn’t know who else we could invite, really, since Grant keeps to himself, but then I remembered Jack and his buddies. So, they’re here, too, and we’re currently having a ruthless beer pong battle.
It’s only alittleodd that Grant knows their parents. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by inviting them over, but he didn’t mind. I think he’s happy that I managed to make some friends here. He’s really sentimental about this town—despite all its flaws and bad memories for him—but I think it makes him feel better that I’ve started loving it, too. When I first got here a couple of months ago, he was constantly trying to show me all the things he loves about this place. He wanted to share his joy with me and hoped I’d feel it, too.
Well, I did, and now I never want to leave.
Ever since the night that I brought up moving in with him for good, he’s been different. His hugs last longer, his kisses linger, and sometimes I catch him just looking at me, eyes filled with something I can’t place. He hasn’t been sleeping well, either. I’ve woken up in the middle of the night to find him wide awake or even sitting outside on the deck. It’s making a gnawing anxiety grow in the pit of my stomach. What if I sprung this on him too quickly? While I don’t want to believe it, there’s a very real possibility that he might drop me off at my mom’s house and never look back again.
But he wouldn’t do that, would he?
I know he loves me—it’s obvious in everything he does, but maybe that’s still not enough.
I swallow roughly and grab a ping-pong ball, dipping it in a cup of water before tossing it in a tall arc towards the other side of the table.Boom.It lands in the final cup, sealing my and Jack’s victory. Austin—whose name I just learned today—chugs the beer and slams the cup down. He swipes the liquid from his lips and pats his teammate, Gage, on the back. “Another?” he asks.
“I’m gonna go check on the food,” I say, already backing away. While I am starving, it’s also a good excuse to cling to Grant.
I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his bare torso. Of course, the man can’t even deign to put a shirt on when we have company, and what’s worse, he’s wearing a backward baseball cap with his hair flowing back around his shoulders. I press my cheek to the hot skin of his shoulder as he stands guard at the grill. “Look at all our friends,” I say cheerily.
He snorts. “They’re just here for my burgers.”