Instead, I arrived in the middle of a prison transfer? What the hell? How was that even possible? And now I’m handcuffed to this prisoner and we’re on the run.
I cannot believe his strength. I’m not exactly skinny and light, and he just picked me up like it was nothing and he’s running with me down the hallway and doesn’t seem to be out of breath, as if he could do this all day.
I suppose I should’ve been much more frightened of the obvious criminal. I should’ve shoved this guy in the orange jumpsuit aside and immediately raced for the guards, but…there’s something intriguing about him. I keep staring at all that is him. That corded neck and those lush black lips. I think it was when he got the energy bands off and turned to look at me with that wide, toothy grin. It hit me right in the heart. Suddenly he wasn’t a super-scary creature from the depths of hell, but a handsome male, with a hint of edgy, sexy energy.
Initially, the black horns, gruesome red features, flash of fang and hiss of forked tongue scared the shit out of me. I screamed like a little girl, which isn’t like me at all. I like to consider myself unflappable, but materializing next to a satanic-looking convict would upset basically anyone, right? How did that even happen? Beings are supposed to be transported one at a time just to make sure there are no security mix-ups. I mean, you’d think they’d make sure no one else was coming at the same time as their prisoner. This error was probably the start of my resentment for the Omega 9 officials in that room because I feel like they didn’t care for my safety, not once. You’d think their first thought after discovering the mix-up would be getting me off that disk. Nope. They were arguing over how it happened, blaming each other, and just left me standing there, next to him. Only when I screamed did they start to move forward.
When Orange Jumpsuit handcuffed us together, the Creekan military peacekeepers started shooting at the both of us. They don’t negotiate with prisoners? So basically, they aren’t going to slow down and try to keep me safe, just plow ahead and kill him and if I die in the midst of their recapture, so be it. Fuckers.
Orange Jumpsuit was the only one trying to protect me, picking up a shield and pulling me close, expertly firing back. He literally became enraged at the sight of that blaster shot I took to the shoulder.
And damn, that flame he sent out…I’m still in awe. I have a feeling this guy wouldneverhand me over to Darius Williams or his minions.
One of the guards managed to escape the room too and is still hot on our heels, shooting at us again. “Dammit.” I pull the prisoner’s arm up with mine and pull the blaster out of his claw and start firing over his shoulder at the guard chasing us. He drops to the ground seconds before we turn a corner.
“You’re a good shot.”
“You’re surprised?”
“Well, you’re human.”
“I’ve dealt with quite a few stalkers and I made sure to receive training on how to shoot, so I could protect myself if necessary.”
“Good idea.”
“You’re an excellent shot too,” I admit, feeling strangely comfortable in his massive arms. “I’ve never been in an actual fire-fight before, but you had terrific aim for someone on the ground like that.”
“Thanks, I’ve had lots of practice shooting my way out of sticky situations.”
We turn another corner and I realize it’s grown quiet. Civilians give us strange looks as we race past them.
“We’ve escaped the peacekeepers from the transporter station,” Orange Jumpsuit explains as he continues to race ahead with me in his arms and darts around another corner, “but this is Omega 9, there will be more deployed in a matter of minutes. They’ll eventually find us, considering every corner of public spaces is monitored by a high-tech security system. They’re probably following our every movement right this very second, just regrouping until they decide where to hit us again.”
And then he plows directly into a public area. “Out of the way!” he shouts.
Beings shriek and move as he requests. I feel bad for them, seeing a satanic-looking guy in a prison-issue orange jumpsuit with black horns and a black barbed tail on bare feet racing down on them, with a random human female in his arms. Along with the fact that our wrists are cuffed together with an energy band. We must look a fright.
I see a large sign offering directions for public holosuites, which he is heading straight for. “Holosuites? Why are we going there?”
“You’ll see.”
He finally stops in a quiet hallway in front of a door, not at all out of breath, and carefully puts me down on my feet. “This is where we disappear,” he grins. And then he places a palm over a lock to the suite and pays the fee. He chooses some sort of preloaded program and the door opens. Then he pulls us into the public holosuite and closes the door behind us.
I turn around, looking up and down, waiting to experience the wonder of a holosuite. “Ooh, I’ve never been in a holosuite in my life. I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about…” But all I see around us are black walls lined with yellow grid.
“Sorry to disappoint but we won’t be using this particular holosuite for entertainment.” He grabs my hand and walks us straight to the opposite side of the room where a door suddenly materializes. He opens it and pulls me through with him. The door closes behind us and we’re left alone in a quiet hallway with only another door, at the end of the hall.
“Where are we going?”
“To my safe house. They’ll think I’m trying to get to another transporter room and leave the station or make it to the space dock and stow away on a ship heading out. But we’re doing none of those things. We’re instead going to hide out right here, in the middle of the station. They’ll have no idea we’re here.”
“You have a safe house on Omega 9?” I whisper-hiss. “Who are you?”
“My name is Kryel Grindstone. I am a Hyrrokin from the planet Tarvos and for the last year I was wrongfully imprisoned on Zeta 149 and now I’m free. Who are you?”
“I am Aliyah Williams, a human from New Earth trying to get to Tarvos to rejoin my sister.” I wait for a moment to see if recognition will dawn on his face when he hears my name, but he just stares back blankly and I’m relieved. He knows nothing about my following on Insta, and nothing about the fact that I’m an heiress and a socialite. He doesn’t know my father and has no connections to the Garcia family or the Williams family. Nothing. He’s just a fascinating guy (criminal) from another planet who was breaking out of prison, for reasons.
He winks. “Nice to meet you, Aliyah. I think you might’ve ended up with the right being if your endgame is to arrive on Tarvos.”