He kisses the top of my head. “This is no way to live,” he agrees.

And then Kryel’s tablet flares to life, promoting the sound of a knock on the front door.

I sit up. “What’s that?”

My heart rate increases as Kryel swiftly grabs his tablet and checks the security feed. I sit next to him and watch the glass screen alongside him. Two beings can clearly be seen standing in our private hallway, in front of the thick security door.

I grab onto his forearm. “It’s Jada! It’s my sister, she’s here. Wait, how did she know I was here in this penthouse? Who is she with?”

“My cousin,” he grumbles. “She’s here with my cousin, Idun Grindstone.”

Idun’s gruesome face looms large in the view screen. He looks very much like Kryel, with the same crooked nose and deep ridges on the forehead. “Let us in quickly,” he snarls, “or I’ll be forced to embarrass you with my ease in bypassing your security measures.”

A low growl rumbles in Kryel’s chest as he issues the entrance command, letting my sister inside. Then he tosses down the tablet. “Let’s get cleaned up.”

We’re able to each roll out of the bed separately and I prance naked in front of him on my way to the bathroom.

He reaches for me but I dodge his grasp and wave a finger at him. “My sister’s here. No hanky-panky, mister, I’ve got to get clean and dressed to see her. I smell like sex.”

I manageto get ready faster than I have in my entire life, because my twin is visiting. I can show up without make up and in loungewear and who cares? All that matters is that I’m clean. This is why I love her so much.

I run ahead of Kyrel and race down the hall to the front room. My identical twin is right where I expect to find her—gawking at the view out the front window. “Jada,” I yell out and she turns around and we’re both running for each other, hugging and crying.

“Oh my gods it’s so good to have you back,” my sister squeals.

“I’m so happy you’re safe.”

We indulge for a minute in a love fest, muttering fast words of comfort to each other that only we can understand.

Meanwhile Kryel questions the other Hyrrokin in the room. “How did you know about my safe house?”

I hold Jada’s hand tight and wipe at my tears, trying to listen in to what these two have to say.

“I’ve always known you had a home here,” his cousin answers. “I’m part of Molten Lava, we know everything about you. I wouldn’t have asked you to join the team without vetting you first. That’s also how I’ve always known you were innocent of those ridiculous charges. I sent your case to the Intergalactic Innocence Project and they got the job done.”

“I like this guy,” I whisper to Jada.

She smiles and nods in agreement. “I like him too.”

“The Intergalactic Innocence Project?” Kryel asks, like he’s never heard of it in his life.

“Yes, I told you I’d be working on your release. The IIP took over the project and garnered your release. It took a whole year to break through the layers of grift and bureaucracy, but you’re no longer being chased by any peacekeeping agency in the four sectors. Your record is wiped clean and a formal apology has been issued to you by the sector Governor.”

Kryel blinks and stares at him in shock. “I thought you’d forgotten about me.”

Idun crooks an eyebrow. “You’ve spent far too long working with those criminals, it’s made you untrusting.”

“You’re probably right. And also, the rest of the Grindstones dropped me like a hot flame.”

He chuckles. “Their loss. I know the truth about your honor.” Then Idun smiles indulgently at me. “And it looks like we’ll be closer than ever now that our bounds are sisters.”

I stand there for a moment, computing what this male just said. Then I look at my sister. “You’re married to this guy?” I shout. “Kryel’s cousin is your husband?”

“Yes. I love him.”

She points at the other Hyrrokin male in the room. “You met your future husband on a transporter disk on Omega 9—during his escape from prison?”

“Yep,” I answer proudly. “Because I love him too.”