“Princess, can you come for a walk with me? I need some air.” I’m just standing up when Daisy pipes in. “So do I. Do you mind if I come, too?”
Sutton laughs. “Daisy, I don’t think you want to go with them. Not when North is looking at Kara like that.” Sherie bursts out laughing, too. So, I fly them my middle finger, take my man’s hand, and leave the pool.
“So, which is it?”
“You know what. You either want something or you have something. Which is it?”
“Not here,” he whispers.
“Oh, you’re wanting a bit of alfresco dining, are you?”
“Is that all you think of, dirty girl?”
“Oh, so it’s not that, then?”
“No! Now, shush. I’ll tell you when no one else can hear.”
We walk for what seems to be ages, but it’s really only five minutes. The anticipation is killing me.
“Right, I think we are safe here.” He stops.
“Safe for what?”
“Shut up, Kara. I have news, and it’s going to blow your mind.”
“Well, spit it out, then.” I jump up and down.
“I think Daisy is South’s daughter.”
“No way. Oh my God. Yes. It’s the eyes. She has the same eyes as South and East. The exact same blue. Oh my God, why didn’t I spot that?”
“The scary thing is, Kara, this hasn’t even crossed South’s mind, and I don’t have any idea how I can even broach it with him.”
“You’re just going to have to talk to him. Tell him what you think. Don’t mess around with this. It’s too important to get wrong with meddling, and I also think we should keep this between us until you have told him.”
He agrees. He knows I’m right this time.
Chapter 55
Easthasbeenactingstrange all week and has decided that she is going back to New York tomorrow. South, however, has been noticeably missing in action. I think the row with Sherie scared him off, but it’s been really hard to try and get some time with him to talk to him about my theory. The more I look at Daisy, the more I see it. Everything about her screams South. I catch Mum looking at her sometimes too, so I don’t think I’m alone in my suspicions.
Kara has asked Sherie repeatedly what it was about, but she is refusing to say. She has, however, agreed to move back to London and take the job at the art dealers. Kara and Sutton were over the moon. West and I are maybe a little worried. She is one hell of a firecracker and could quite easily cause a bit of mischief, but we have to have trust in our girls.
Today is a special day, though. All week, Kara and I have been looking at houses. There was one house in particular that she fell in love with, but damn it. It was sold just an hour after we viewed it. It was the first house we viewed on Monday and nothing else has compared since.
It’s a good thing it was me that bought it. I’ve paid a freaking fortune to get the keys earlier and also get all the paperwork rushed through. There are still searches and stuff, and it won’t legally be ours for about another two weeks, but today at noon, I pick up the keys, and at four o’clock, we have another viewing.
Cough cough.
At 4:00 p.m. on the dot, I turn the key in the door of our new home.
“Where’s the agent?” Kara asks.
“We don’t need an agent, Princess. They know I’m not going to do anything to this property.”