Sutton hears Sherie and comes running into the kitchen.
“Oh my God. You’re here. How come you’re here so soon? You’re not supposed to be here till Sunday.”
“Erm, I texted North earlier. Did he not say?”
“Oh! North and South have been a little busy since returning from the station. They have brought a guest, too.”
I look at Liz and then at Sutton.
What the hell is going on?
“Where are they?
“They are getting her settled in her room,” Liz smarts.
“Yes! Her!” Liz shakes her head.
This is stupid. No one is talking straight.
“I’ll go find him, then.”
“Might be a good idea. The young lady seems to have a little fixation on our North.”
“What the…” I turn and jog up the stairs to the bedrooms.
“North? South?”
“In here, Princess,” North responds.
I push open the partly closed door to find a young girl sitting between North and South on the bed.
“Who’s this?” I point at the girl who smirks back at me slyly.
“Kara this is Daisy. Daisy, this is Kara, North’s girlfriend,” South introduces us, and I see her squint at me and then fake smile.
“Hi, Daisy, but that doesn’t really answer the question. Who is she, and why is she here?”
North stands and guides me back out of the room.
“I’ll make us a coffee and explain everything. But, Kara, you have to promise to give the girl a break. She’s not had it easy.”
“North McGarry, you better tell me who she is and what she is doing here. You’ve only been to the police station. How the hell did you pick up more trouble on one short journey?”
“I could ask you the same question.” He laughs as he enters the kitchen. “Hey, Sherie. I thought you weren’t coming till Sunday?”
“I got an earlier train, but you knew that because Kara texted you earlier to tell you.”
“I haven’t had a text.”
I pull my phone out and show him the texts, both the one I sent him and the weird reply.
He looks at me, puzzled, and he shakes his head.
Fucking hell. How much more confusion and drama will we have?
“I can give you three guesses who has your phone and who responded to those texts,” Liz chirps in.