“Kara, please. I need to talk to you. I don’t want to leave things like this between us.”

“Fuck. Off!” I snap back.

“I can open the door from this side, you know, but I would rather you open it.”

“Don’t you dare, North. Leave. Me. Alone. Bastard!”

“Princess. Please. I don’t know what came over me, but I don’t want to have this conversation through the door with the whole house listening.”

“Tough,” I bite back at him.

“Okay, then you leave me no choice.” I hear him walk away from the door, and I think he must be going for a key or something when, all of a sudden, the daft bastard bursts through the door and flies into the room, losing his footing and falling flat on his face.

I try so hard to stifle my laugh, but as he yells that he’s stubbed his toe, I can’t help it anymore.

He tries to stand, but he keeps wobbling over, hopping on one leg as he reaches out and puts a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I was just so angry and pissed off that I’d let everyone down again. I was out of it when I was needed. Again. That’s not your fault, and I took my anger and frustrations out on you.”

I can see the worry on his face. “The doctors told me to watch out for some personality changes, but I never expected you to turn into an absolute twat.” I grab his arm and steady him. Leading him over to the bed, I help him sit down.

He looks up at me with those beautiful deep dark-chocolate eyes. I take in all of the fear that’s running behind them.

“I’m not going to leave,” I say softly. “Unless you want me to?”

“No, no. I don’t want that. I just get so pissed off, Kara. I’m the youngest brother, and I’m always left out in the cold. That’s why I find out the information, if I didn’t get to it first, they probably would forget to tell me or think I don’t need to know. It drives me insane. And then, you just kept me waiting to tell me what had happened. To me, it felt for a minute like you’d become one of them.” I pull his head to my stomach.

“You’re a stupid man sometimes for someone so clever. I was scared I was going to get it wrong. West didn’t ask me to keep it from you; that was my decision. I’m sorry, too, but if you ever treat me like that again, I will go. That is another promise to add to the list, okay?” I lift his head off my stomach and look directly into his eyes.

“Princess, I can’t promise that I won’t get angry again, but I will try not to be a bastard.” He stands and picks me up like I’m a feather, his eyes never leaving mine as he takes me back to our bedroom.

“Where do you think you’re taking me?”

“In here. I can’t finish what I started with no door on the room.” He pulls back, winks, gives me the broad million-dollar smile, and gently puts his lips to mine. That’s it, I’m done for. Again.

I love North when he’s making it up to me. My God, does that guy know how to make my body work. My first orgasm rocks my body a couple of minutes after the bedroom door slams, and it’s followed by several more. He feasts on my clit like it’s his last supper, fucks me with his fingers until I think I can’t take anymore, and then makes love to me with his dick. Only when I really can’t take anymore and I’m on the verge of passing out does he let himself come.

A commotion from downstairs stirs us both from our post-sex nap. Liz is calling us both to come down. Still wrapped in each other’s arms, there is nowhere else I want to be, and I really don’t want to move, but we both know why we are being called.

In a house this size, you would think that peace and quiet would not be difficult. Wrong. There is always something going on. It’s one of the reasons I dislike being here so much.

Down in the hallway, a small crowd of people are gathered around the new arrivals to the McGarry household. Liz and East are cooing away and unbuckling car seats whilst West stands by, looking the very proud father. Sutton is giving orders. “Hold her like this, make sure you support her head.” North and I look at each other. He raises a brow, and I know that if we could have gotten away with it, we would have sloped back upstairs out of the way.

Sutton spots us standing back and rushes over with one of the babies in her arms.

“No need to be shy, you two. Annabella is going to love spending time with you, so you might as well start now.” Sutton giggles as she places this tiny human into my arms. She is so precious. So small and, oh my God, perfect. I look at North who appears to be having the same weird reaction as I am.

I have visited Sutton plenty whilst she has been in hospital, but the babies were always asleep, so I never got to be this close to any of them.

East has Isabella, and Liz has Mirabella. Two young women step forward and introduce themselves as the nurses that are here to help.

Sutton doesn’t look pleased, but I’m sure once she has settled back in, she will be thankful for all the help she can get. With any luck, North and I will be out of here in a few weeks, if we can agree on a house.

North had told me about the ladies, but I hadn’t really thought much of it until one of them approached me and asked if she could take Annabella. My instant reaction shocked the hell out of me.

“No!… Thank you. This is the first opportunity I’ve had to hold my niece, and I would like to just have her a little longer, thanks.” I smile, but I know I’m being a bitch. North has his arm around my shoulder, and he is now cooing along with East and Liz. What a freaking mess we all are. We’ve all gone to mush.

A solitary tear escapes, runs down my cheek, and lands on Annabella’s chest. I honestly didn’t think I would feel like this but, oh my God, actually having her in my arms—my heart is bursting, watching her little chest rise and fall and her little lips moving slowly. She looks so angelic.