“Oh, shit no. Oh, I’m sorry, North. I didn’t realise you would have thought that. Shit. I’m such a bitch. No, the hotel security stopped her before she could get anywhere near you. She is claiming she is your girlfriend, and you had taken too much cocaine. No one believes her, so she is just making this worse for herself.”

“Who is she?” I ask again.

“We don’t know! The police were going to show us a photo, but we are still waiting. Maybe they were waiting for you to wake up properly.”

“Hmm, where’s my phone?” I mumble. She digs into her purse and hands it over to me. At least someone had the foresight to retrieve that.

I locate West’s name and click to call. It’s only a few seconds before he answers.

“Hey, you’re awake,” he says cheerfully.

“Yeah, and I need some clothes. I want out of here now.”

“I see you have woken up in a pleasant mood.” He laughs.

“Not funny. I just want to get the fuck out of here, so can you please get me some clothes?”

“They are at the nurse’s station. I brought them in earlier, but both you and Kara were fast asleep. I’m downstairs with Sutton and the girls.”

“Oh, right, thanks. How are they doing?”

“Good. We are just waiting for the doctor to sign some papers, and we should be able to go home today. Fingers crossed. I think they are keeping all the other babies awake with all their crying. One starts, and it sets off the other two.” He laughs.

Jesus Christ. That’s all I need. Three crying babies and a pissed off girlfriend.

“Right, well then, I will see you at home later.” I don’t wait for his reply; I just cut the call. My patience is running really thin.

Just as I’m about to ask Kara to go and get my clothes, a nurse enters the room carrying a holdall.

“Your clothes, Mr. McGarry,” she states as she puts the bag on the end of the bed and leaves just as quickly as she entered.

Finally. I pull the bag towards me and pull out the clothes. Kara watches on without saying a word. I can see she’s mad because I yelled at her but, to be frank, I don’t give a shit. I want to know what else has happened.

“Okay, stop being so angry,” she says.

“Why should I? I want to know what else has happened and you... my girlfriend… love of my life… the one who promised communication and no more secrets, for some reason, won’t tell me.”

Bingo.She sits back down in the chair and tells me everything that has happened.

“I might have mixed some stuff up or missed some stuff out, but that’s everything I know, North, okay? So, can you please stop being a grouch?” she requests.

“Hmm, okay. Let’s get me signed out and go back to the house. West and Sutton will be back today, and I wouldn’t mind a nice hot shower.” I wink at her, and she rolls her eyes.

“Come on, let’s go.” She stands and huffs.

It was a little too much to expect that I would be released quickly. Four hours later, we arrive back at the house.

East and South are in the games room, playing cards, of all things.

“Hey, you’re back,” East says brightly with a smile.

“Yeah, looks like it,” I respond curtly.

“Zed and the team are coming here tomorrow for a debrief,” South says.

“Fine,” is all I can say. I’m so angry. More so at Kara for not just telling me what had gone on but also at West. He was quite happy to just let me sit in the hospital wondering.

I walk briskly up the stairs and into the bedroom. Kara follows behind silently until she shuts the door.