“He will tell us if we need to know anything. Hey, look. The tracker has him just outside the hotel.”
“Can’t we listen in, East? Please?”
“No! West will be listening, and so will Zed and their people. He’ll be safe, don’t worry.”
She keeps saying not to worry, but it’s not the love of her life bloody going into God knows what.
“West!” East yells. “His tracker has gone green!”
Chapter 43
LeavingKarawasfuckingawful. I could tell she was on the verge of breaking. My town car pulls up outside the hotel. I take a deep, lung-filling breath, and I step out onto the street. I tell the driver to wait around the corner out of sight. At least if I need to get away quickly, I’ve got wheels.
I nod to the receptionist and walk directly to the private elevator. Once inside, I flick the button on the tracker which will give audio to the crew. My stomach is doing fucking somersaults. This is West’s type of gig, but she didn’t ask for West, she asked for me, which is even funkier.
The elevator dings, and the doors open. I straighten my spine and walk out into the lounge area. It’s empty, so I cough, but I hear no noise.
“I’m here!” I shout out.
Still nothing.
“Hello? I’m here like you asked!”
Still nothing.
Fuck it.
I walk over to the cabinet where I keep my whisky and pour myself a nice large measure.
“I’m making myself a drink if you want one.”
Again, nothing.
“You have until I finish this drink, and then I’m leaving. I know someone is here, so you either show yourself or I leave!” I shout out again.
I sip away at the whisky. The first few sips always get me. It always burns my throat. It’s much easier to just down the first one, but I don’t want to be off my guard.
I know someone is in the suite, but I’m not going looking for them. They will come to me. I’ve done enough.
Nerves must be getting to me. As I look at the empty glass in my hand, I realise I’ve drank the lot. Shit. I look at the bottle, but, no, one was enough.
“Right, I’ve finished my drink. I’m leaving.” I walk towards the elevator as the floor shifts beneath my feet.
Fuck, I must have drank that whisky way too fast. I try to press the call button to open the doors and miss.
Something isn’t right. I don’t feel right. I think that whisky was spiked. I feel the cold metal of the doors on my face as I slide down to the floor.
“Tell Kara I love her,” I whisper, before it all goes black.
Chapter 44
KarathinksI’monmy phone, but I’m listening in to the suite. I put a bug in there a day or two after Kara came back.
No, I’m not a perv. I just wanted to make sure that my brother and Kara were safe, and if the place were ever compromised, I would be able to know what was going on, especially with who her father is and the previous threat against North.