“Hmm.” Sleep and tiredness takes over as my eyelids shut, holding my girl in my arms. Safe from the world. Just the two of us.

Chapter 38


Iwakefeelinglikethe world is crushing me, but it’s just North. He fell asleep on top of me hard and fast after mytherapysession. He really understands me.

Most people in my situation would be angry that their partner would initiate sex straight after the news I had just had.

That’s not me. I needed to get out of my head sooner rather than later. If he had mollycoddled me, I would have ended up crying or having some sort of panic attack. He understands that by making me come loudly, I can let out all the tension and aggression running through my body. I now feel easier about the news. I’m also pleased I can see my father soon, too. I have so many questions.

“I’m so sorry, Princess. I must have fallen asleep on top of you.” North groans.

“You think? My whole body has pins and needles. Can you roll over so that I can get up and have a shower?”

“That’s the best idea you have had all day,” he replies and, before I know it, I’m in his arms and being washed down in the warm water.

It is the best thing about this creepy house. No matter what time of day or night you run the shower, the water is instantly warm. It’s bizarre but pretty cool. You don’t even have to wait for a single second before you can step under its relaxing heat.

Showered, clean, and fairly relaxed, we both head back downstairs to find out what East has to say.

East and South are in the games room, killing all the bad guys on one of the video games. When they notice us, they stop.

“So, who’s winning?” North asks.

“East.” South grunts.

“Okay, then, winner, let’s have what you know.” North smiles.

“Well, I thought I’d cracked it, but I was wrong. I am actually at a loss.”

“Oh! So, who did you think it was?” I ask.

“Alicia! She has access to the alarm codes and was also in Mexico, but she was nowhere near you guys at the time. Plus, Alicia is a lot taller than the person in the video. It was South who noticed that bit. And it’s not a boy, either. The person in the video is a man. I am now sure of that by the way he moves his feet. We are looking for a small man.”

“Are you one hundred percent sure it wasn’t Alicia?” I ask. “It’s very much like her to do something like this.”

“Nope, she was pictured with Drake in Acapulco the day you were in Mexico. She couldn’t have done all this. She was far too busy,” East spits.

East has a major crush on the rock heartthrob, Drake. She has lusted after him for the past four years, apparently. She has seen him in concert so many times, and West sometimes gets her VIP tickets or backstage passes. She has only met him once but, since then, she has been head over heels in love. So, seeing him with our arch enemy is a shot to the gut for East and me.

I really like East; I am sort of glad, though. A rock star roadie is not the life East was cut out for, and she would soon tire of being the second choice over other people. She deserves someone who will give her all of their attention not just when a camera is being pointed at them. Good luck to Alicia. She’s going to need it. I chuckle to myself at Alicia being cut up when he drops her sorry ass.

“So, we are back to square one, then?” I ask.

“Looks like it. Until we get any more information through from that Zed bloke, anyway.” East puffs. She doesn’t seem happy that we have someone helping from the outside.

“Hey, East. He is a good bloke. He saved both me and Sutton, and he has been a good friend to West. He’s okay, you know. Well… he’s a grumpy fucker and never speaks and looks like he could snap your neck if you made his coffee too strong, but he’s a good guy. He will help us any way he can. I trust him with my life.”

“Yeah, me too, East,” North chips in.

East looks at South, and he nods, too.

“Okay, so if he is such a good guy, why hasn’t he reported anything useful yet?” she spits.

“He won’t tell us anything that isn’t the full truth. He won’t tell us maybes, only facts, and he will only talk to West or me,” North says as East rolls her eyes. “Hey, he’s not sexist. He trusts West and me because he knows us. That’s it. If he knew you, he would trust you, too, but he doesn’t, so stop with the fucking judgement. You don’t know the guy, but we do, and he is one of us. He is all but family to us, okay, East? Just stop,” North spits back at East as she lowers her head.

I feel sorry for East. She is so frustrated that she hasn’t been able to solve this and a little embarrassed, too, I think. She thought she had it all wrapped up and even jumped on a plane to give us the news only to find out her crush is having it away with the city’s bike.