“Hey, calm down, just use water. Don’t use any soap; it might make it worse. I’ve got some antihistamines in my bag. If it doesn’t settle down, we will have to get you seen by a doctor when we get back.

“Seriously, Kara, it’s fucking killing me. Please tell me this has nothing to do with you.”

“No, it doesn’t! I’m offended you think it would be. I would never cause you harm and especially not your dick. Here, put some of this on it. It might help.” I pass him the pure aloe vera after-sun lotion that slows the burning.

“As soon as we are dressed, we are out of here and never fucking coming back. Fucking paradise, my arse.” He’s pulling labels off the clothes and fighting with the jeans. His body is still wet, but he’s not messing around.

It’s been one thing after another since we arrived.

We both settle into the back of the car. North is still itching and is looking increasingly uncomfortable.

Just let us get home in one bloody piece, please.

Chapter 35


Thepolicebetterfindout who has been in the house. My dick is killing me.

West has asked Zed and some of his team to come out and do their own investigation. The police in Mexico look good on paper, but half the stuff they were supposed to take into evidence was still sitting in the hallway long after they left. There about as useful as a dildo in a nunnery.

I have never been as pleased to have a private jet all to ourselves. The bag of ice I have situated over my dick and balls would have raised more than a few eyebrows on a commercial flight.

I am seriously going to do someone some damage when I find out who is responsible.

The flight drags. We never did get to go out for dinner, and with everything else that happened, we both should be starving, but I couldn’t face anything. Kara has eaten everything in sight. The same flight attendant is on duty and keeps coming back out with fresh ice for me and snacks and cocktails for my princess. At least while she’s eating and drinking, she’s not stressing out. No one can get to us at thirty-five thousand feet.

We land back in London not even forty-eight hours since we left. What a bloody joke.

Kara surprisingly agreed that the best place for us to be is at “The Fortress.” I want her to be around people who can keep her safe. Plus, we have stepped up the security system since “the incident,” and we have more cameras and alarms than the bloody crown jewels.

I would rather be somewhere else, but things are too weird to even contemplate being anywhere with mediocre security.

As we pull up outside the house, Mum rushes out in a frantic panic.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Erm, well... I just thought you should know your brother is here,” she says with a weird smile. What the hell is going on?

“And? I know West is here. I spoke to him when we got off the plane. He said he would be home at some point.”

“No. Not that brother,” she says, dipping her head.

“Oh! South. You mean South is here? I thought he was in New York with East.” I look at Kara.

“Hmmm, she asked him to leave.” Mum screws up her nose.

“Oh, for God’s sake, stop it, the pair of you. I can be a grown up if he can. After the last two days, I just want a hot bath and to lie down. Oh, Liz… North’s Twinkie has a rash.” Kara laughs as she walks up the steps and disappears into the house.

Mum looks at me as I feel the heat flood my face. I’ll give her a bloody rash later.

For two days, West, Kara, and I have been searching through all the security footage from the villa. We have spotted the same person several times. A small hooded person dressed fully in white. Kara is insistent that it’s a woman by the way they move, and I am inclined to agree. West is still undecided. It could be a small Mexican boy who has been paid to do a job.

South, however, has been noticeably quiet and stayed away from all of us. Even at dinner, he is either out or eating in his office.

Whoever it was must have been in the house before. They knew the layout and darted around from room to room as Kara and I are seen on camera. I managed to get hold of the videos first and added some emoji to cover our private bits. I don’t want West having a bird’s eye view.

What I don’t understand is how the hell they got out without being seen. And the main question is why? Why were they there, and why did they do all that shit to us?