“How am I supposed to know? It wasn’t there before, and it’s not from me!” I yell back, grabbing a towel and wrapping it round my waist. Kara, on the other hand, is running round the bed heaving, baulking, and pointing.

“Get that bloody bedding off, now! How the hell have you got shit on the bed, North?” She’s looking me up and down and around.

“You haven’t got any on you. Oh, hang on… Kara, it’s on your back.” I boom-laugh at her whilst she continues to scream and baulk. She turns on the shower and dives under.

I pull the duvet cover off and, being a bloke, I can’t help it, but I have to have a sniff.

“It doesn’t smell like shit…” I sniff again as Kara screws up her face, heaving again. “It smells like… chocolate.”

“Where the hell has chocolate come from?” she asks.

“I don’t know. I didn’t bring any up here, did you?” I ask her, and she shakes her head.


Kara grabs a robe and takes the bedding down to the washer.

“North, did you empty the washer?”

“How the hell have I emptied the washer? I’ve been with you since we got back. Why?”

“The washer is empty, and the washing is gone!”

Chapter 34


Istandup,lookaround the room, and then head out to the patio. There is no one around. There is no sign of our clothes and towels from earlier. My heart begins to pound in my chest for no other reason than I feel like someone is watching me. I turn back and head into the living room.

“North, something weird is going on. I didn’t take chocolate into the bedroom and—”

“I wish you had,” he interrupts and winks, wiggling his hips at the same time. “I could just imagine fucking you with a flake, waiting until it’s melted, and then enjoying a little midnight treat.” He wraps both huge arms around my waist.

“Okay, sex pest, but this is really weird. You told me your staff was given time off, yet the washer has been emptied and someone left chocolate on your pillow.”

“It doesn’t matter. Maybe one of them popped back in to get something and thought they would help out.”

“They must have, whilst we were in the shower. But just so I can relax, can you check? Please?”

He nods. After he locates his phone, he types out a text. Not even a minute later his phone vibrates. A puzzled look crosses his face.

“What is it?” I ask. “Has someone been in?”

“No, it’s not from Pedro. It’s from West,” he says, texting back

“Who is Pedro?” I ask.

“Pedro is a guy that’s been part of our team for years. He’s almost like family to us. He’s supposed to be working in this area to keep an eye on things.”

West: Sorry, Bro, I know you have only been there a few hours, but you might have to cut your romantic getaway short.

North: WTF. Why?

West: Stella is dead!

North: Oh shit!

West: Yeah. Exactly!