“Yes,” she whimpers back.
I slam in hard and thrust deep. Fuck, she always feels amazing. I place one hand in her hair and the other around her waist, guiding her back onto me. I slam harder and harder until she moans.
“Don’t you dare fucking come, Kara.”
“I… don’t think… I can… stop it—” she stutters.
“Well, you better find a way.” I grunt into her ear.
After several more assaults and a few more demands of her not coming, I reach my release. My spine nearly bends in two as I come full force inside her.
I pull out immediately and clean off my dick. She turns to look at me, questions flooding her face. Her eyes search mine as I walk out of the shower. I grab a towel and throw one on the side for her, too.
“There, I’ll see you downstairs when you’ve cleaned up.” I turn to walk out of the bathroom when the sponge hits me on the back.
“Don’t you fucking dare just walk out on me like that. What the hell was that?”
“That, Kara, was how people in shitty relationships have sex. They don’t make love, they fuck. You seem to think that our relationship is shitty, and I don’t deserve the truth when I ask for it, so… if that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get.” I carry on into the bedroom.
“You’re being serious, aren’t you?”
“Oh, I have never been more serious. Do you know, Kara, most women in shitty relationships don’t have orgasms unless they have their clit played with or use toys or other things to stimulate them? That must be fucking shit, don’t you think? To have your man fuck you and get off and then either leave or roll over and go to sleep, leaving the woman frustrated. Well, my darling girlfriend, you chose the shitty relationship.” I smirk as I pull the clean T-shirt over my head.
“You can’t expect me to go through life with no fucking orgasms!”
“I didn’t say that. I just said I wouldn’t be giving them to you.” I smirk again as I fasten my jeans.
“You can’t do this to me, North. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to get it wrong or get you confused. Have you ever thought about what I’ve just been through? Have you?” she yells.
“Well, you weren’t drugged and stripped naked, were you?” I spit back, but then a flash in her eyes tells me I might just have gone a step too far.
The side of my face stings as her hand leaves my cheek.
Fuck, that hurt.
“You are an absolute bastard. I never thought you, of all people, would be such a fucking whining prick. You’re right, North, I didn’t get drugged and stripped naked. I had to do it fucking sober, be paraded in front of strangers, and remember every last fucking detail of it.” She goes to slap me again, but I manage to catch her wrist and hold it in the air. What I didn’t expect was the knee straight to my bollocks.
Chapter 49
It’sagoodthingthat I received an email from the prison cancelling my visit. Right now, I don’t want to go anywhere that I’ll have to talk about him.
If I had a baseball bat right now, I would take it to his legs and give him something to moan about. Prick. Fucking prick. Well, he can piss right off.
I storm out of the bedroom, leaving him bent over double and groaning. I cross the corridor and go into the room that used to be mine and lock the door.
Pacing up and down in front of the bed, my anger grows, and the urge to run is becoming so strong, but that would be me breaking yet another promise.
I know the doctor said that he might have some temporary personality changes due to the amount of the drug he was given, but this is fucking ridiculous. He is an arsehole. I can’t believe he has just saidthatto me, knowing and living with what I’ve been through.
I pace some more. Then, I hear the door handle turn and a quiet knock follows.
“Princess. Can I come in?”