Sam has been out in the ocean for a good ten minutes, swimming toward the yacht, when he gives me the signal.

Small fishing boats filled with young children emerge from the cove below. That’s all the confirmation I need. They were taking these kids to God knows what fate. There must be at least ten kids in each boat, and there are four boats. At least forty kids.

Carefully, we make our way down the side of the cliff. We need to be quick but careful. We can’t be seen. I don’t want any of those kids getting on that yacht or getting too close for that matter.

With one last look through my sights, I nod at the team. We take aim and fire, killing off each and every one of the sick bastards on that pirate ship. The fishing boats retreat back to the cove where we are now waiting. For good measure, as soon as the children are within reach, I dial a number in my phone that connects to the device Sam has just stuck to the bottom of the yacht, and I blow the fucking thing sky high.


Yes. Fucking sky high with those bastards still on board. I can’t help it, but an involuntary smile creeps onto my face. The noise is immense, and I know the place will be crawling with police within minutes.

A team of Star Gazers is waiting to take the kids into a secure unit where they will be looked after and hopefully reunited with their families. If not, they will be rehomed safely, educated, and given a chance at a real life.

All in a day’s work. I smile to myself. Normally, I would have West right by my side and North on the other end of the line feeding us information, but West’s a little busy now, and North is God knows where. I’ve missed several calls from South, but I had to choose. This one-time chance of saving those kids who have no one else, or saving North who has a team looking out for him. It wasn’t a hard decision.

My mind wanders briefly to West and Sutton, and North and Kara. I never really thought about settling down. I’m too much of a wanderer. I can’t ever see myself with just one woman or even falling in love like those two soft twats. I couldn’t just up and leave to do stuff like this if I had someone waiting for me. They wouldn’t understand. They would beg me to stop, and then I’d be all distracted.

Nah, I’m destined for a life of one-night stands and freedom to do what and whoever I want when I want. No guilt, no shame.

Chapter 46


Whatthehellisthat noise? It sounds like a cat being strangled. And why am I fucking freezing? My head hurts like a mother of a hangover, and I can’t move my arms or legs.

Everything is blurred. I can see someone close, but I can’t make out who they are. Ah, fuck. What the hell is happening?

I feel my legs being lifted and my body being dragged. I don’t have any strength to stop it. I wasn’t dragged far before I felt the carpet under my backside. It takes me a second to remember where I am. What the hell is happening? Is this one of Kara’s pranks? Thoughts of Kara have me drifting back off into the darkness.

Pain sears across my face followed by a freezing cold liquid. My eyes fly open, but I can’t focus. I go to wipe my face, but my hands don’t move. I try to shake my head, but I feel like I’m paralysed. I can’t move anything.

“Are you awake now, sexy?” a woman’s voice whispers in my ear.

I try to speak, but nothing comes out.What the fuck has she given me? I have no idea how the fuck I am going to get out of this. I can’t even speak.

The elevator doors open, and in walk two more figures. I can’t make out who they are or what they are saying.

The woman is getting louder as she is telling them I’m her boyfriend, that I’ve had too much coke, and she is trying to bring me around.

The two figures stand watching and not saying much until she says she is leaving. That’s when things get a bit clearer.

The two people put the woman down on the floor, and one of them proceeds to sit on top of her. I still can’t move or talk. I hear one of them calling for an ambulance and a blanket being put over me. Then, it all goes black again.


My head is pounding, and the lights are hurting my eyes. I have no idea where the hell I am. I do know I am warmer than I was before, and I seem to have some clothes on.

I turn my head and see a sleeping Kara sitting in a chair, one hand resting on the bed. I then realise I’m in the hospital. Again.

“Princess,” I croak. Her head flies up, and a beaming smile appears on her face. I can tell she’s been crying, and it kills me to know that I’ve put her through all this again. I don’t know what’s happened, but I’m sure someone is going to tell me very soon.

Chapter 47


IsweartoGod,one of these days, he’s going to get himself killed. If not, I will probably do it for him. North McGarry is going to drive me to the brink of insanity. Yet again, he was on an exceptionally fine line between life and death.

The stupid bitch had laced the whisky with enough ketamine to actually put a horse down, never mind tranquillise it. She had also laced the glasses. You know, just to be sure. North did the biggest part of the job for her by getting impatient and having a drink whilst he waited.