If this is the case, whoever is using our beach is either stupid, very brave, or trying to goad us into a war with them.

I decided to take myself off for a walk around the back of the house to get somewhere quiet where I could ring Zed. I need to know for sure what’s happening and what I can do to help.

I dial his number, and it rings until it goes to voicemail.

Zed: Don’t ring, just text.

North: What’s going on?

Zed: I’m watching the shoreline.

North: Okay, but what are you looking for?

Zed: Boats.

North: Jesus, can you please just tell me what you need me to do?

Zed: Look after the girls.

North: Seriously, man. What else do you need?

Zed: If what I’m seeing is anything to go by, I am going to need more men, more guns, and more vehicles to move these kids out once we get to them.

North: Does West know? Is he sorting it? Do you need me to sort it?

Zed: Yes for both on West, and no for you. You need to stay clear.

North: Fine. I’ll check back in around twelve hours. If anything changes let me know.

Zed: K.

“Who you texting, Big Man?” a voice comes from behind me.

“Just Zed, Princess. He’s watching the shoreline to see if there are any boats about. He’s told West what he needs, and I have to sit tight and look after you.”

I see her body stiffen. “I don’t need looking after. Jesus Christ. Who does he think he is?”

“He’s my brother’s best friend, and I think he is concerned thatifanything happened, I would be held responsible, anyway. Your father would see to it. So, whether you like it or not, you are stuck to me like glue until we know what is going on and it is over, okay?”

“Hmm. I’m not happy about being babysat, but fine. I’m going back inside. East and I are planning Sutton’s hen party.”

“You do know that the hen and stag party will have to be in the same place, don’t you?”

“No, why the hell would you have a stag and hen party in the same place? What’s the point in that?” She huffs.

“Have you met West?” I laugh.

“Arghhh,of course, but won’t he even let her go for a weekend?” she whines like a spoiled child.

“Doubt it.” I smile broadly at her. “I don’t want you away for a weekend either, and West? Well, he would just go batshit crazy.”

I can see her frustration, so I suggest, “Why don’t you and East look for somewhere we will all enjoy? Somewhere you girls can do your thing and us blokes can do ours. The world is your oyster. Pick anywhere, but just make sure it will work for both parties.”

Her eyes have a glint of excitement when she realises she can literally go anywhere in the world. However, Sutton won’t want to be away from the girls for too long, so I don’t think a trip to Australia is on the cards. That’s if she agrees to it at all. Kara and East seem to have forgotten that Sutton is a new mum and will probably not want to leave them at all.

Kara disappears back into the house as my phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s an unknown number.
