At first, it appeared that the vendetta was against Kara, but then, with the boxers, it was very clearly both of us.
The Mexican police, as expected, haven’t provided us with anything we don’t already know. Zed has run all the prints, and there is no match on any database, which is comforting in some ways because it means we are not dealing with a professional. However, it means we are dealing with a nutcase who, for some reason, has a problem with me and Kara.
“Hey, Big Man, can I talk to you for a minute?” Kara surprises me.
“Yeah, of course, Princess. What’s on your mind?” I pat my knee for her to come and sit.
“I want to go and see Xander again,” she says quietly.
“Oh, okay, I wasn’t expecting that, but, yeah, if that’s what you want. Do you want me to come with you?”
Please say no, please say no.
“Would you? Oh, North, that would be so good of you.” She smiles and kisses me softly.
I try to give her an alternative. “You’ll have to see if he can have two visitors, though. If not, I’ll wait outside for you. It’s no problem.”
“Oh yeah, I never thought of that. I bet he can get it arranged, though. Heis‘The Great Xander Forde.’” She waves her arms around as if he is some mythical god.
Kara gets up and picks up her new phone. She starts to type what I presume is an email to the prison.
I wonder why she wants to go and see him so soon. And then it dawns on me. Stella’s death. She wants to know if he had anything to do with it. He didn’t know we were going away, so I doubt he would have any information about who’s responsible. It must be about Stella.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s the most action it’s seen in days.
East: I’ve been tracking a few people who might have wanted to cause you both some trouble.
North: Yeah, did you find anything or anyone?
East: Yeah, I did, and I think we should all get on a video call at 2:00 p.m. your time. You are going to be shocked.
North: East, just flaming tell me.
East: Nope. See you at 2:00 xxx
Today is full of too many bloody questions. Why does Kara want to see Xander, and why won’t East tell me who literally had me by the balls?
Chapter 36
I’mreallyhappythatNorth offered to come with me to visit Xander. I know he doesn’t really want to come and, to be honest, I don’t need him there, either. His face was a picture, and I just couldn’t help winding him up a little.
I send over the email to the prison, and I’m not expecting an immediate response. I am shocked to find I have a reply with an appointment for Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. I’ll break the news to North later, but first, we have to have this call with East to find out what she knows.
South has been very elusive since we got back, and I’m not sure if it’s because he hates me or because he’s embarrassed. I do know that you can cut the atmosphere with a knife when he enters a room.
One of the reasons I left was because I didn’t want to put more pressure on the family. I need to sort this out with him, and there is no time like the present.
I walk to South’s office door and give it three little knocks. There is no answer at first, but then a deep gravelly voice says, “Come in.”
“Hey, I was wondering if we could clear the air. I know you are not keen on me and, to be honest, after what I heard and what you’ve been like since we got back, I’m not keen on you, either, but for the sake of your family, can we call a truce or at least pretend to get along?”
“Hmm, well, I was going to get you on your own anyway to apologise. I shouldn’t have said what I did to North. I’ve tried to apologise to him, but he won’t even look at me, never mind listen. West wants to murder me in my sleep, and East can’t stand breathing the same air as me. I fucked up massively, Kara, all because I had some of my own personal issues going on. I’m sorry. And I should have been the one to take the first step.”