“No, just the Star Gazers.”

“So, If I was in a relationship with Jim from the burger bar that would be okay?”


“But you’re not a Star Gazer anymore.”

“I’ll always be a Star Gazer, Kara. You don’t just leave. You can pull away, but if you’re needed, you are drafted back in. It’s how it works. Our family runs the syndicate. I’ve been doing work for them for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been gathering intel for them since getting out of the hospital. I never left them or pulled back, and I don’t think I ever could. The information I source saves too many lives, Kara.”

She’s clicking on her phone and flicking her eyes over to me.

“There, I’ve done it. I’ve sent for a visiting order.”

“What? Already? Kara, we need to talk about this. You could be opening a huge assortment of problems and signing my death warrant.” I growl at her. What the hell is she thinking?

“I have been trying to talk to you for the last half hour, and I just get ‘no!’ I might not even get one yet. What other option do I have? Even if I walk away from you now, you still won’t be safe.”

She’s right, but I can’t risk her life as well as mine.

“Who else knows that Xander is your father?” It suddenly dawns on me that if I didn’t know, not many others will yet., but now that she’s requested a visiting order, it won’t take long for people to put two and two together.

“You and West. Sutton knows his name is Xander but not his surname. Well, I don’t think she does. We haven’t even spoken about this in over ten years. She probably doesn’t even remember his name, North. I seriously think you’re overreacting about all of this.”

Her phone pings, and her eyes shoot up to mine.

“It’s a reply from the prison,” she says shakily.

“What does it say?”

“It’s a huge form.” She carries on reading. “It says I have been granted permission to visit Xander Forde under a privilege visiting order. My appointment time is 11:00 a.m. on Monday. It goes on about not bringing things into the prison and other stuff.” She’s flicking the email up and down on her phone.

Shit, it doesn’t give us much time. When he finds out me and Kara are together, he will go ballistic. If he doesn’t know already. I’ll be lucky to see midnight Monday. My stomach churns. Even if we run, someone will find us. There is no way out of this.

Zed arrives and does his usual patrol of the suite. He checks all the windows and locks and then does something with the elevator control panel. After dragging one of the sofas to block the elevator door, he sits down.

“You guys will never take a day off from the drama, will you?” He shakes his head.

“Listen, I don’t need your smart shit right now. My life is nearly over, and you think I want this drama? Kara and I were looking for a house. Somewhere to settle down and start our lives over. I’m going to be lucky to see the outside of this hotel room ever again, so please, Zed. Shut the fuck up.”

Zed dips his head and then lies down on the sofa with his hands behind his head.

“I think… This will all work out just fine.” Then, he shuts his eyes.

I turn to look at Kara, but she is not there. I go searching for her, but she’s not in the bedroom or the bathroom. I check the guest bedroom and find her curled up in a ball on the bed.

She looks so tiny. I edge closer to her on the bed and put my hand on her waist.

“Take your hands off me, North. I wanted you to talk to me. We promised no secrets, and yet, here you are, keeping the biggest of them all. Well, you know what? Fuck. You. Now, get out of this room and leave me alone. And FYI, when I have seen Xander, I’m going back to France. You will be safe, and so will I.”

She sobs and each word breaks a little bit more of my heart until the last bit. She’s going back to France.

What the hell have I done?

Chapter 30


Ijustwanttheworld to stop spinning for one minute whilst I get off. I am sick to death of my life. I get a couple of good days, and then bam! Smashed in the face with more trouble. When will this end? The trial is three weeks away, and I know I said to North I was going back to France after Monday, but it’s just not logistically practical.