Page 92 of Lost Love

“Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on here?”

Ari turned up the lighting, the brightness making me squint and rendering me sightless for a minute. Once I regained my focus, I settled on the bed, Francesca making no move to get dressed.

“I’ll tell you. He doesn’t love you, Francesca. And this arrangement is wrong.”

“Well, I know he doesn’t love me. You came all this way to tell me that? This is an arrangement. Both families benefit from this.” She threw her hand back and forth. “Maybe in time, who knows.”

I was angry the boys barged in on us but even angrier with myself.

“This is how it is,” I said in a whisper. “Alfred won’t back out.”

“So you want to back out?” Francesca turned to me, her face white, like a sheet.

“Of course, I want to back out. Don’t you think we both deserve happiness?”

“What… wh… that is not possible, my daddy… yours…” She seemed flustered. After taking a deep breath, she composed herself. “We announced it to the world, Connor.” Her voice was stern. There was no mistaking the warning in her tone.

Since I never took well to warnings, I stood up, taking her hand in mine. Maybe I couldn’t have Pepper, but I knew I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this engagement with a woman I didn’t love. I’d tasted love, and there was no going back. I’d rather be single and miserable knowing Pepper was happy than in a relationship with someone I couldn’t bear.

“This isn’t happening, Francesca.”

She pulled her dress closer to her body, her bony shoulders caving inward.

“Look, maybe tonight was a mistake. I’m sorry, maybe I rushed things between us by oversupplying you with drinks.”

I laughed. “Don’t you think I knew what you were doing? I see everything, Francesca. It’s over.”

“That’s not up to you to decide.”

“Oh, but it is. It’s my life. And for once, I’m grabbing it by the balls.”

“That’s it, Connor!” Ari said.

“Get the fuck out, you two.”

Magnus laughed. “And just like that, the Connor of old is back.”

“Is this funny?” Francesca flapped her dress out angrily before stepping into it and sliding it on.

“Not at all. This is our lives. You should be thanking me,” I said honestly.

“Thank you? What do you think this will do to our family’s reputation?”

“In time, news fades. But I am willing to look that saber-tooth tiger in the eye and wait and see what happens.”

“This isn’t over, Connor.” She flicked her long mane of blonde hair behind her shoulders.

“Oh, but it is, sweetheart.” I zipped my pants up, relief obliterating the haze I had moments ago.

She held her finger up to me, her teeth sheathed and staring me down. “Just wait.”

“Are you threatening me, sweety?” I raised an eyebrow, slightly amused.

When she was about to speak, I put my hands up to her lips. They were so inflated they looked like a flight risk. “I don’t take too kindly to threats, Francesca. Especially from whores like you.”

“Connor!” Magnus shouted out.

“What?” She gasped, her mouth falling open. “How dare you. I’m the Duke’s daughter. Wait until he hears what you called me!”