Page 45 of Lost Love

He slapped me between the shoulder blades. “I know it’s difficult being the son of Alfred Diamond, but maybe try to embrace the work instead of hating it.”

“I don’t hate it. Over the last year, I’ve actually warmed to it. It’s just… he makes it difficult, you know? How would you know? You haven’t had a father since you were sixteen.” I shook my head. “Sorry… that’s not what I meant.”

He stared at me but said nothing. I knew losing his parents to a car accident was tough, so I wasn’t thinking when I made that comment. In fact, the handful of times we’d spoken about his parents and sister over the last decade or so was usually a slip of the tongue. He was a closed book when it came to them, and I can understand why.

“It’s fine. Listen, all I’m saying is, you obviously know how to do the job. The pressure is another thing.”

I groaned, taking my whiskey to my lips in a big gulp.

“Pressure can make us crack regardless of our ability.”

“You’re always so cool.”

“I think that comes with getting fed lemons most of my life.”

“What, so you’ve made lemonade?”

“Damn straight, that lemonade is high-grade shit too.”

I laughed, the tension I carried in my shoulders disappearing. I hadn’t realized how tight they were until they weren’t.

“So, Francesca’s a beauty… could have done a lot worse there,” he said, looking over at her as she entered the room.

Wearing a black fitted dress that covered her completely, she smiled as her blue eyes met mine.

“I guess so.” I smiled back at her briefly before returning my attention to Barrett, who looked at me accusingly.

“It wasn’t Francesca at your place the other day, was it?”

I laughed. Damn, I thought he’d forgotten about that. Fuck, he had an impeccable memory.

Francesca strutted over, and intentionally I shouldered Barrett into her direction.

He let out a chuckle.

“Connor, or should I say, fiancé?” Her full lips tilted into a sure smile.

I rested my hand on her hip and kissed her cheek, intentionally moving my head to the side when she went for my lips.

“Connor’s fine.” I released my hand from her bony hip, feeling like I was disrespecting Pepper by being this close to another woman.

I shook the feeling away. Pepper’s body was what I needed, but now I could sink into Francesca.Maybe…

Francesca’s parents appeared behind their daughter.

“Duke and Duchess Cavendish, so nice to see you both again.”

“Call me Dad,” he said, shaking my hand. “And Mom!” Duchess Cavendish kissed both my cheeks, and when she pulled back, she was beaming.

Fuck, no.

I smiled, uncertain what to say when Barrett cleared his throat. “Sorry, I’m being rude. This is my friend and soon-to-be brother-in-law, Barrett Black.”

And savior.

“Yes, of course! Your proposal was so romantic, Barrett,” the Duchess trilled, a blush blooming on her cheeks.

Gretchen, the housekeeper, appeared in the room, and I was ecstatic at the timely interruption.