Page 27 of Lost Love

I quickly glanced at Alfred. What?

Barrett’s green eyes widened.

“Privately,” Mom added quickly. “We are here for you privately.”

I shook my head.And there it goes, like an atomic bomb.

“What’s going on?” Lourde looked at me, her face strained. I threw back more of my whiskey. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything I could say to change the course of tonight.

“Lourde, you can’t see Barrett anymore,” Alfred said, so straight-faced it felt like a throat- punch, even to me.

I didn’t need to look at her to guess Lourde’s reaction. It was probably the same as me being told to marry Francesca. My stomach squirmed at the thought.

“What are you talking about?” Lourde stifled a laugh.

Didn’t she realize that’s why she was called here tonight? My poor, naïve sister. But Barrett knew. I read it on his face.

“Barrett, you’re a smart guy. You would have seen this coming,” I offered, trying to smooth this over as quickly as possible.

The tension swirling through the room and Lourde’s reaction had my nerves peeking. Suddenly, I needed nothing more than Pepper and what her body could do for me. I not only needed her body, but I wanted her words, her comfort to make me forget about my fucked-up day and this whole effed-up situation unfolding in front of me.

“Barrett?” Lourde turned toward Barrett. Her wavering voice hit me hard, and the sadness in her eyes quickly changed to anger as Lourde averted her gaze toward me.

“This is bullshit.”

“Lourde, language.” Mom looked down at her nails, then took a deep, loud inhalation, catching everyone’s attention. “Lourde, you know as well as anyone, our name is like the gold standard in this country. Held in the highest regard since Grandpa Alfie built the company. You must know there is no way I can associate us with this mess.”

“Well, I don’t care. I love Barrett. He loves me. We stand by each other in times of crisis.”

“No, darling, I’m sorry. We forbid it,” Alfred said matter-of-factly.


“I’m twenty-three years old. You can’t forbid it!” She pushed her chair out. “Barrett, come on.”

Alfred stared at me, and I sighed, knowing my place in the family.

“Barrett, do what’s right,” I cautioned sternly.

Watching Lourde, barely holding it together as she left, was enough. I wanted out. I needed out. Pushing out my chair, I retreated to the den pouring myself a full tumbler of scotch and downing it in one sitting. Then I left without saying goodbye.

Sliding out my phone from my back pocket, I typed as quickly as my fingers would allow.

Connor:I need you.

What had felt like an eternity but likely was only seconds, my phone lit up.

Pepper:On my way.



Iarrived at his apartment, relieved to see him again. He was at the elevator when the doors opened. His blond hair was disheveled like his hand had threaded through his hair countless times. His black shirt was rolled up to his elbows and top buttons undone, revealing his toned and muscular chest.

“You came,” he said, eyeballing me up and down and undressing me with his eyes.

“Not yet.” I breathed out on a purr, knowing exactly what he needed to hear.