Page 13 of Lost Love

“It’s the natural flow of relationships after you’ve been together nearly a year.”

“There’s nothing natural about monogamy.”

“Don’t shit on everyone else’s parade just because you have an arrangement you can’t get out of.”

“So you know about Francesca?”

“Of course, I do. Lourde shares everything with me. Plus, I think Manhattan socialites know about the arrangement. Francesca is certainly not quiet about it.”

Connor groaned out.

“She’s gorgeous,” I offered.

“She is.”

I ignored the pang of jealousy knocking at my chest. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t enjoy doing things I’ve been told to do.”

“I’d say then don’t, but I know that’s not an option.”

“Yeah, my parents have had this arrangement in place since I was a child. Alfred and Francesca’s father have it all sorted in some legally binding contractual arrangement that will make both families wealthier for generations to come.”

“At least you don’t have to go through heartache. There must be something good that comes out of an arranged marriage.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You see the good in everything, Pepper, and you’re very easy to talk to.”

“That’s not all I’m good at.” I winked.What the hell?I wasn’t drunk, and I was flirting with Connor.

“Oh, honey pot, I know.”

We both grinned devilishly at one another.

“You know, maybe we could explore that a little further,” he considered, pushing his plate away.

“Explore what exactly?”I tilted my head, anticipation flowing through me.

“Explore the continuation of your lips around my cock.”

I let out a strangled laugh. “Connor, we aren’t drunk now.”

“Very observant, Pepper.” His persuasive eyes leveled at me, and I took a sharp intake of breath filling the silence.

“So you get some last-minute booty before your impending engagement, is that it?”

“Freedom before being chained down. Something like that.”

“You could have that with anyone.”

“I like your company.”

His words dazzled me, but I tried to regain focus. “What’s in it for me?”

“Jake, who?”

I laughed. Connor had a point. Last night was the first time in a long time I had felt carefree.

“So you think by fucking you, you’ll make me forget about Jake? Is that it?”