Page 85 of Lost Love

I grabbed the glass and tipped it back, so the whiskey slid down the back of my throat. A sense of calm and numbness flowed through my body.

“Cheers, bud,” I said, slamming it back down.

I pulled out a bill from my back pocket and handed it to him. “Grab a few for you tonight. Might make the night more bearable.”

“Shit, thanks, man.” He slid the bill into his pocket and smiled.

“Don’t mention it,” I said, turning around to find Ari and Magnus talking to a swath of models beside me.

“Look who’s here!” Ari said, pulling me into a man hug.

“Hey, guys.”

“Meet Chelsea and Franca,” Magnus said, wrapping his arm around the tall blonde.

“Hey, great show,” I lied. I really had seen none of it between eye-fucking Pepper and shooting bullets at Jake.

“Connor, we were so sad when we found out you were engaged.” Chelsea pouted her sherbet pink lips.

“Were you now?” I said, noting the flirty infection in my tone. “Me too,” I muttered.

Ari side-eyed me.

“Girls, would you excuse us for a minute?” Ari kissed the hands of the women one by one.

“Of course.” They purred, taking their drinks and retreating to the next pile of money bags on offer.

Magnus turned, a scowl etched on his features. “What the fuck, man?” he scolded. “You know my divorce is done. I’m a free man as of today, and you turn them away?” He folded his arms over his chest and glared at Ari.

“Okay, spill, Connor. For weeks, you have been a grumpy prick,” Ari said, completely ignoring Magnus.

“Well, Jesus, hello!” Magnus fumed. “Are we really doing this now at the after party of the year?”

“Doing what now? Have you guys been bitching about me like a bunch of schoolgirls on their period?”

“Call it what you want. But yes, Magnus, we are doing this now.” Ari glared at Magnus, and he straightened, letting out a sigh.

This should be good.

“Great, I’m all ears,” I said, reaching for whatever cocktail the server had on his silver tray.

"This drinking has started up again, and I think it has to do with Francesca.”

“No shit,” I said, taking a large sip of the fruity drink.

“Who are you fucking because it sure as shit isn’t her.”

“I don’t kiss and tell… plus, it’s none of your fucking business who I’m fucking.”

“She complained to me the other night at dinner that you wouldn’t touch her, so if you’re not fucking her, then you’re fucking someone else. And if I know you, you will get caught, and you will fuck up, and that’s the end for you with Alfred.”

“It’s sooo nice that you care about me,” I slurred out. “Maybe I should just fuck her then.”

“Well, shit, man, if you don’t, I’m sure the quarterback she’s been chatting to will.”

“Great, amazing, that would solve everything. Do you think we could coax them into fucking, film it, then the wedding’s off?” I said, thinking I could be spared from my upcoming nuptials if she was the one to fuck things up instead of me for once.

Ari put his arm on my shoulder. “Man, are you hearing yourself? What the hell is going on?”