Page 83 of Lost Love

“No,” I said, hopeful he stayed away.Where was Jake?He was just sitting here a minute ago. Didn’t he know the show was about to start?

“Oh my God, is that Anna Wintour?” Olivia gasped, staring across from us at the rows of seats on either side of the catwalk.

Everything stopped. His dark eyes gravitated toward mine, and we connected like no one was watching. The room fell away, the noise, the people. It was just Connor and me. I tried to ignore the heat traveling up my body as his blues hit me square in the chest.

Wearing a sports blazer, open shirt, and chino pants, Connor could just as easily walk the show tonight as a model. Instead, he was sitting beside his beautiful fiancée, staring directly at me.

“Diane Von Furstenberg, Paris Hilton, Kylie Jenner, and Drake… they’re all here.”

“I never took you for a celeb hunter!” I commented while disengaging from Connor’s steely gaze. When I leaned over Lourde, I saw that Olivia’s face was lit up like a rainbow.

“Okay, okay, that’s a cue to shut the hell up!” Olivia chuckled. “I’m so fangirling right now, though. Drake is my jam.”

“Oh my God, you are beyond hysterical.” Lourde threw a hand over her mouth, stifling a giggle.

“I think it’s cute,” I said. The music started, and the lights lowered. So did my focus across the room. Connor’s stare was cold and hard as he focused on something behind me.

I craned my neck around. Wait, what the hell? Was that… that was him. There was no mistaking his royal blue jacket. Standing close to a beautiful, busty, and scantily clad woman, Jake touched her arm as they tossed their heads back in laughter.

“Jesus,” I muttered under my breath.

If humiliation wasn’t enough, an usher came to sit beside me, filling the empty seat just as The Weeknd performed their hit song, “Stargazer.”

“What’s wrong?” Lourde asked.

“Jake’s flirting with someone behind us.”

She turned her head discreetly. “That’s Scarlett Simpson. She’s huge on OnlyFans.”

“Fucking fabulous.”

“Maybe he’s just talking,” Lourde said, with a pained expression on her porcelain face.

“Uh-huh, I’m sure they have a lot in common.”

“Come on, let’s just focus on the show. Don’t worry about him.”

I exhaled and watched the beautiful women walk down the aisle one after the other in the theme of Winter Wonderland. Feather, frills, and delicate lace graced the models in nude tones. The garments were stunning.

Between models, my gaze unwillingly found its way back to Connor. With Francesca’s hand on his thigh, they looked every bit the Brad and Angelina of today. Theitcouple. I fumbled with my hands on my lap, feeling more insecure by the second.

What was happening to me?I wasn’t insecure. I had my shit together. I had a boyfriend who I thought loved me and I loved him. I had the life I wanted.I had. I closed my eyes and let the music penetrate through my chest. When I opened, he was staring directly at me with piercing blues that could make the ice caps of Antarctica melt. Francesca whispered something in his ear, and I looked away. I couldn’t bear the sight of them together. No matter how hard I tried to push my jealousy away, it was there like a code red.

Then I realized something.

I have nothing without Connor.

Oohs and ahhs echoed around the hall as the final model appeared in a showstopper. I watched as she floated down the catwalk, her long train and delicate lace gown absolutely stunning.

Applause echoed around the room as Farrah Goldstein appeared on stage. Her only grandson, Ari, clasped his arm in hers as his parents, Callum and Cindy, who’d I had the pleasure of meeting over the years, appeared by their side.

“How handsome does Ari look holding onto his grandmama?” Lourde squealed over the applause.

“Shame he is such an arrogant prick!” Olivia growled out.

“Did you hear that?” Lourde elbowed me.

“Fucking hunkholes,” I agreed, regretting my decision to go out tonight.