Page 68 of Lost Love

“I know,” I groaned.

He nodded and turned, giving me his back, and headed for the door.

“Just so you know, I’m not sorry I punched out that asshole for Pepper.”

He turned to face me.Was that empathy in his weathered eyes?

Don’t be delusional, Connor. His heart was harder than steel.

“Oh, I know.”



My phone vibrated in my purse, and as I hobbled toward the café entrance, I slid it out, only to be let down.

“Hey, Jake.”

“Pepper, angel, sorry I haven’t called sooner. Work has been on my ass like a rash.”

“That’s okay,” I said, gingerly taking a seat at the corner table.

“Eventful dinner?”

“Sure was. I guess you saw the news?”

“Connor got himself into trouble again, according toTMZ,” Jake said, laughing down the line.

“He did because he was defending me, Jake.”

“Really? What happened?”

“I’m fine, but some lowlife decided he owned part of my ass and touched me without my consent.”

“Touched you on your ass?”

“He squeezed it when I walked by.”

There was silence at the other end. “And?”

“And what?”

“Is that all?”

“What do you mean? Is that all?” I fumed at his casual attitude toward the incident. The same incident Connor put his reputation on the line by defending me.

“You’re a big girl. You can handle it.”

My jaw tightened.Okay, maybe see it from his side, Pepper.

“I know I can,” I stated, void of emotion.

“Exactly, so why all the fuss?”

“Well, Connor saw it happen and told the guy to back off, then an argument ensued, and I got pushed back, hurt my ankle, and now the asshole is suing Connor for smashing up his already ugly face.”

“Well, Connor shouldn’t have assaulted him.”