Page 33 of Lost Love

I’d missed three calls from Francesca this week, and as I arrived at Club Mojito in Soho, she called again. I texted Pepper to come over tonight, but she was with Lourdeagain. My poor sister hadn’t taken my calls this week. Instead, she sought the comfort of Pepper’s company. It was selfish of me to interfere, even though there wasn’t anything I wanted more than sinking into Pepper and enjoying that smart mouth of hers.

Jamie, the burly security guard, spotted me as I approached and unhooked the red velvet rope, letting me pass, which drew a round of groans from the long line of party-goers waiting to get into Manhattans’ most exclusive club.

“Jamie, buy them all a round while they’re waiting and put it on my tab.”

“Sir?” He looked at me, confused.

Okay, so perhaps it was slightly out of character, but whatever. I was feeling different.

I nodded, walking into the club, the music washing over me and relaxing me. After this week and the impending announcement on Monday, I needed to let off steam, and what better way than with Ari and Magnus.

I walked toward my friends, who were already drinking at our usual table.

“Did you invite Barrett?” Ari asked, shaking my hand.

I took my seat. “No, I think he has enough going on.” And I doubted he wanted to speak to me after the dinner we had this week.

“I saw a photo of him hitting a paparazzi, and I heard his accuser is doing a tell-all interview tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I heard that too. Lying bitch,” Ari spat out.

“Have you spoken to him?” I asked, knowing Ari was the closest to Barrett and would likely take his phone calls.

“Yeah, after the news broke. He’s not in a good way.”

“About the bitch lying?”

“No, dickhead, about losing Lourde.”

I shook my head, unable to rid the lingering guilt that hung over me. No doubt, Lourde would put some blame on me. Finally, a server appeared with our regular order of whiskey, and as I took it, she eyed me. Her heated stare cast over me, but it did nothing for me. I gulped my drink down, the amber liquid sliding down my throat in a comforting, familiar warmth that settled me.

“Did it really have to go down that way with your family?” Magnus asked.

“Are you fucking serious? They accused him of sexual harassment and dating a Diamond woman. There is no other way it could have gone.”

I lifted my arm and pointed to my empty tumbler as the server came around. “Another,” I said.

“I feel for him,” Magnus said, eyeing up the busty server. “And I rarely feel sorry for anyone.”

“How’s the divorce going?” I asked Magnus, wanting to change the topic as my calm turned back on edge.

“Trying to get it annulled quickly,” he said. “But, of course, she wants more.”

“You were married for three months? How could she possibly want anything?” Ari questioned.

“Where’s the ironclad prenup?” I added.

Magnus rolled his eyes. “Turns out it’s not so ironclad.”

“But wasn’t she the one who fucked around?” I asked.

“Well, yes…” he said in an uncertain tone that made Ari and I glance at one another.

“You couldn’t keep your dick in your pants either!” I smirked, realizing why things were not so clear-cut after all.

“In my defense, she fucked the help first. Mine was more of afuck youback.”

Ari and I burst out into laughter.